English:D Harmonic Minor Scale 首先将手指分配给前四个琴格 弹奏第四弦开 (D),用第二手指在根第二品上弹奏E,用第三手指在根第三品上弹奏F 弹奏第三弦开 (G),用第二手指在根第二品上弹奏A,用第三手指在根第三品上弹奏升A 在第二弦上,用第二手指在品上第二个品格升C,用第三手指在根第三品上弹...
English:D# Melodic Minor Scale 首先将手指放在第一品格, 第二个品格, 第三品格和第四品格品格 在第四弦上,用第一手指在品上第一品格升D,用第三手指在根第三品上弹奏F,用第四手指在根第四品上弹奏升F 在第三弦上,用第一手指在品上第一品格升G,用第三手指在根第三品上弹奏升A ...
Chromatic Scale - A Modern Method For Guitar 00:41 Speed Studies - A Modern Method For Guitar 03:17 Key of D Minor - A Modern Method For Guitar 01:25 Rhythm Accompaniment - A Modern Method For Guitar 01:10 Endurance Etude - A Modern Method For Guitar 05:30 Key of Bb - A ...
The chords are often played as a triad (three notes, where the 1st, 3rd, and 5th notes of the scale are played), but can also add a seventh (playing the seventh note of the scale). The D Major chords are: I, or the D Major chord ii, or the E minor chord iii, or the F# ...
今天要谈的是最常见的大调五声音阶 (Major Pentatonic Scale) 及小调五声音阶(Minor Pentatonic Scale) 我们任意取一个大调音阶的1、2、3、5、6级音出来,便可找出此大调的五声音阶。换言之,就是把第四音与第七音去掉,造成大调音阶中原有的半音程去掉,产生出一个由全音及小三度构成 的音阶。 小 分享31 ...
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Scales where D melodic minor is within them none found Scales one note away from D melodic minor A natural minor C major B natural minor D major D harmonic minor F lydian A aeolian G mixolydian A mixolydian F# phrygian G lydian E phrygian E dorian D ionian B locrian C# locrian C ionian...
MusicVirtual Sheet Music Inc
D major scale, you've learned the notes of some other scales as well (the modes of the D major scale). Most importantly, the B minor scale uses the same notes, making it the relative minor of D major. A song whosekey signaturehas two sharps is most likely in D major or B minor....
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