小三和弦(Minor Triad):由根音、根音上方的小三度音以及根音上方的纯五度音构成。在英文中,这种和弦被称为“Minor Triad”,“Minor”表示小调性质。 总结 综上所述,三和弦在英文中的表达并不固定,而是根据其具体类型有所不同。在一般语境下,可能会用“three-chord”来泛指,但在音乐术...
小大七和弦 minor-major 7 chord 结构:1 ♭3 5 7 小七降五和弦 minor 7♭5 chord 结构:1 ♭3 ♭5 ♭7 减三和弦 diminished triad 结构:1 ♭3 ♭5 减七和弦 diminished 7 chord 结构:1 ♭3 ♭5 ° 7 大六和弦 major sixth chord 结构:1 3 5 6 小六和弦 minor 6 chord 结构:1...
The Dm chord follows the triad note model of its fellow minor chords. It’s made up of three notes: D, F and A It’s often considered a melancholy chord, but due to its diverse use, the Dm chord is hard to pigeonhole to one specific emotion. Don’t miss out! Be the first to k...
In the Dsus4 chord, the third of the D major or minor chord (F♯ or F) is replaced (“suspended”) with the fourth note (G) of the D major scale. D MAJOR 7 Chord Symbol:Dmaj7orDΔ7 A major 7 chord is a major triad with an added seventh. The distance between the root and ...
小三和弦(minor triad):由根音、小三度和纯五度构成的和弦。例如:A小三和弦(A-C-E)。F小三...
What are the chords in the key of D sharp minor?We shall list triad chords and four note extended chords below in the key of D# min. Roman numerals indicate each chord’s position relative to the scale. The notes of theD sharp minor natural scaleare: D# E# F# G# A# B C#. ...
2. 小三和弦(Minor Triad) 小三和弦与大三和弦类似,但是第三音是小三度。它的音色较为内敛、富有情感,常用于爵士乐中的伤感或抒情的部分。例如C小三和弦由C、Eb、G三个音组成,可以用于进行C小调的和声进行。 3. 属七和弦(Dominant Seventh Chord) 属七和弦是爵士乐中非常常用的和弦之一,由根音、大三度、纯...
If you want an E minor chord there is a natural sign under the bass note E. In case the bass note is not the root of the chord it must be indicated with a figure. The figure "4" under a bass note means suspended fourth within root-position triad. Thus the bass note E with the...
What is the G minor scale? What is a minor triad? What is F major's relative minor scale? What is C major's relative minor scale? What is the relative minor of a flat major? What is a minor scale? What is a minor chord?
triad 三和弦 major triad 大三和弦 minor triad 小三和弦 diminished triad 减三和弦 augmented triad 增三和弦 root position 原位 first inversion 第一转位 second inversion 第二转位 third inversion 第三转位 sixth chord 六和弦 sixth-four chord 四六和弦 seventh chord 七和弦 dominant seventh chord 属七和弦...