门德尔松-降E大调弦乐八重奏 Solsberg Festival 2022-Mendelssohn Octet,Op.20|Viola Cello Violin 2437 1 25:20 App 贝多芬-F大调第一大提琴奏鸣曲·Gabriel Schwabe|Beethoven-Cello Sonata No.1 in F major,Op.5 No.1 10万 108 6:05 App 巴赫小提琴无伴奏第二奏鸣曲 行板 BWV1003 Andante 1217 3 1:...
youtu.be チャイコフスキー メロディーTchaikovsky ”Mélodie”Souvenir d'un lieu cherヴァイオリン:髙木凜々子 Violin : Ririko Takagi《使用楽器:(株)黒澤楽器店より貸与のストラディヴァリウス「Lord Borwick」(1702年)》ピアノ:五十嵐薫子 Piano : Kaoruko Igar
note reading - d major one octave 單詞卡 學習 測試 配對 點擊卡片即可翻轉👆 d 點擊卡片即可翻轉👆 1 / 8 建立者 ddruse 分享 note reading practice for violin, viola, and cello players for the notes in the one octave d major scale starting on open d. 用學習模式提升成績 82%的學生在...
root 根音(fundamental) scale step 音级(音级数:number of scale step) simple interval 单音程 compound interval 复音程 enharmonic intervals 等音程 inversion 转位(complement) minor 小(音程) major 大(音程) perfect 完全,纯(音程) augmented...
the second note (or supertonic) in the musical scale of C major: in 'fixed do' solfeggio the note called ray, re (Italian) or ré (French) D in music theory, designating the triad of D-major d abbreviation of 'day', 'deci' (literally, 'one tenth', as in 'decibel' i.e. one ...
3. Assuming its place alongside these other masterworks, it has become a staple of the violin repertoire, outshining its companion piece, the Second Sonata in E-flat major which appeared a little more than a decade later in 1896. Perhaps the reason for the First Violin Sonata’s success is...
Violin Cello Viola Bass Mandolin Banjo D Chord Harmonized ProgressionsD major scale harmonized triads D Em Gbm G A Bm Dbdim A major scale harmonized triads A Bm Dbm D E Gbm Abdim G major scale harmonized triads G Am Bm C D Em Gbdim ...
oboes (perhaps ironically) are absent. The solo violin descends, then rises in an arpeggio before a final high descent in a closing tag The instruments resolve onto the last F-major chord, where the oboes join them. The strings echo the isolated descending notes of the melody’s original ...
headlong rush that concludes the Joachim Concerto, the poco piu presto at the end of the Brahms calls for a march-like, steady beat, and even implies a slight ritard in the final bars. Nonetheless, both concertos end with D-major chords that confer a feeling of genuine, well-earned ...
major大(音程) major大调 march进行曲 marimba玛林巴 mass弥撒 mazurka玛祖卡 mediant (III)中音,中音和弦 melodic contour旋律轮廓 melodic interval旋律音程 melodic progression旋律进行 melodic sequence旋律模进 melodic旋律的 melody旋律 meter拍子(time) Metronome节拍机(M.M.=Malzel”s ~) mezzo soprano次女高音,...