The key of D major has two sharps. The notes of the D major scale are D, E, F♯, G, A, B, and C♯. All the open strings are part of the key and one of them is the root, making it nice for bass guitar. If you learn the D major scale, you've learned the notes of ...
What is the D major scale? Learn about D major chords and D major chord progression. Understand the key features of a D major scale and learn how...
专业PJ电贝斯bass guitar厂家乐器批发 爵士摇滚电声电贝司实木 广州市维音乐器有限公司 8年 回头率: 4.7% 广东 广州市白云区 ¥2150.00 格兰德初学者电吉他金属摇滚电子吉它专业级套装Gretch guitar 深圳市福田区格兰德乐电子商行(个体工商户) 6年 回头率: 0% 广东 深圳市 ¥276.00 电吉他zuovee官...
Bass guitarSteinberger, Ned
“electric bass”:指电贝斯,是贝斯吉他的一种常见形式,特别适用于插电演奏。 “bass”:这是“bass guitar”的简称,广泛用于日常交流和专业音乐术语中。 “four-stringed bass”:字面意思为“四弦贝斯”,强调了贝斯吉他通常有四根弦的特点,有时用于特定上下文以区分其他类型的贝斯(如五弦...
doublebass低音提琴guitar吉他 doubledot复附点 doublemordent复波音 double-augmented倍增(音程) double-diminished倍减(音程) double-flat重降号 double-sharp重升号 dramaticsoprano戏剧女高音 dramatictenor戏剧男高音 duet二重奏 duplemeter(s)二拍子(2/2,2/4,2/8) duplet二连音 duration时值 dynamicmark(s)力度...
diatonic scale自然音阶passing tone经过音 diminished seventh chord减七和弦 diminished triad减三和弦 diminished减(音程) disco迪斯科suite组曲 dissonant不协和(音程、和弦) dominant seventh chord属七和弦 dominant(V)属音,属和弦 dot附点 dotted note附点音符 dotted rest附点休止符 double bass tuba倍低音大号 double...
doublebass低音提琴guitar吉他 doubledot复附点 doublemordent复波音 double-augmented倍增(音程) double-diminished倍减(音程) double-flat重降号 double-sharp重升号 dramaticsoprano戏剧女高音 dramatictenor戏剧男高音 duet二重奏 duplemeter(s)二拍子(2/2,2/4,2/8) duplet二连音 duration时值 dynamicmark(s)力度...
Dingwall Guitars aren’t strangers to high performance, and that’s just what you’ll find tucked away in the D-Roc bass guitar. With stellar appointments and top-shelf hardware, the D-Roc is designed to ensure players maintain peak performance. Dingwall’s multi-scale...
roll to melodic metal, dingwall's d-roc multi-scale electric bass guitar has the tonal versatility to reach nearly any genre. this khaya-based workhorse isn't shy about getting its hands dirty, thanks to top-shelf components such as a dingwall-developed minimalist bridge, smoked ...