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D·麦凯 D·麦凯是一名足球运动员,场上的位置是中场。球队阵容 前锋 G.斯特瓦特,L.古沙克,L.库尔特 中场 刘易斯.米尔恩,M.蓝西,卡马朗,L.麦基尔,史蒂文森,S.林顿,米勒 后卫 高云,K.阿达森,J.穆布,简.阿姆斯特朗,迪恩.布雷特,托马斯.奥布莱恩,鲁本,芬尼 守门员 弗林,里威尔逊 ...
The vitamin D receptor in dopamine neurons; its presence in human substantia nigra and its ontogenesis in rat midbrain [J].Neuroscience, 2013, 236:77-87. [6]Eyles D, Brown J, Mackay-Sim A, et al. Vitamin D3 and brain development [J].Neuroscience, 2003, 118(3):641-53. [7]Ozaki ...
7.C.E. Hastie, D.F. Mackay, F. Ho, C.A. Celis-Morales, S.V. Katikireddi, C.L. Niedzwiedz,et al.Vitamin D concentrations and COVID-19 infection in UK Biobank Diabet Metab Syndr: Clin Res Rev, 14 (2020), pp. 561-565
比如 MacKay 在《Information Theory : Inference and Learning Algorithms》里面就举了一个很好的例子:-1 3 7 11 你说是等差数列更有可能呢?还是 -X^3 / 11 + 9/11*X^2 + 23/11 每项把前项作为 X 带入后计算得到的数列?此外曲线拟合也是,平面上 N 个点总是可以用 N-1 阶多项式来完全拟合,当 N...
[6]Eyles D, Brown J, Mackay-Sim A, et al. Vitamin D3 and brain development [J].Neuroscience, 2003, 118(3):641-53. [7]Ozaki T,Nishimura N,Muto T,et al.Safety and immunogenicity ofgelatin-free varicella vaccine in epidemiological and serological studies inJapan[J].Vaccine,2005,23(10...
Mackay a F and D is currently CLOSED as the present time falls outside of the opening hours below No reviews nor any photos posted yet - be the first to post!Opens Closes Monday 9:00 AM 5:00 PM Tuesday 9:00 AM 5:00 PM Wednesday 9:00 AM 5:00 PM Thursday 9:00 AM 5:00 PM ...
Mackay, S. Malde, R. A. Mohammed, T. Pajero, J. Patoc, P. K. Resmi, A. Rollings, L. G. Scantlebury Smead, J. C. Smallwood, S. Stanislaus, F. Suljik, M. D. Tat, G. Wilkinson & Y. Zhang Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States M. Atzeni, B...
medRxiv. 2020; (published online July 3.) (preprint) https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.07.01.20144329 10.Hastie CE Mackay DF Ho F et al. Vitamin D concentrations and COVID-19 infection in UK Biobank. Diabetes Metab Syndr. 2020; 14: 561-565 *中文翻译仅供参考,所有内容以英文原文为准。