First, connect the router to the power supply using the adaptor. If the D-Link router's LED turns on, then the router is in good shape. Unplug the DSL modem and then take the Ethernet cable and plug one side of it into the WAN port of the router. The other end of it goes to t...
Router_config#show run Building configuration... Current configuration: ! !version1.3.1Q service timestamps log date service timestamps debug date no service password-encryption ! enable password 0 123456789 level 15 //定义路由器登陆的密码! ! interface FastEthernet0/0 //外网口,一般是固定光纤接...
Connect your dlink router with internet cable, Connect router with computer or laptop. open dlinkrouter.local for router login process
Step 5:Click Save tosaveyour configuration. 33people found this useful. Did you find this useful?YesNo These may also help: How do I change the channel on my router?Read Answer How do I change the SSID/network name of my router?Read Answer ...
I don't have a D-Link router and must trust their documentation which I did... Regardless, if you can configure DNS servers on the LAN side, then do it! "If I put in OpenDNS on the LAN side in my router - can you confirm that will affect wi-fi?" Sorry, I hate to repeat ...
UPD-LINK SWITCH 0、设置管理员帐户 #create accountadmin/user<username>admin/user是用户类型 Enter a case-sensitive new password:*** Enter the new password again for confirmation:*** Success. #delete account <username> #show account 1、配置交换机默认IP地址和所属VLAN config ipif System ipaddress...
upload configuration<filename>上传配置到TFTP服务器 download configuration<filename>从TFTP服务器下载配置 8、IpInterface的配置 语法:creat ipif <ipif name > <network address > <vlan name > state enable 例:creat ipif test vlan100 state enable config ipif...
This section will show how to setup DLink router. In addition to the Internet connection, you will also be informed about certain key settings. You can configure your router in a few minutes. After configuring the router, your WiFi connection is ready to use. You can then connect to the ...
The DWL-6700AP is set to Access Point (AP) by default, it allows you to connect your wireless equipment. To integrate it into your network, you need to know the IP address of your Router or Gateway and recommend a reset to factory settings before sta...
1子网掩码为255.255.255.0,如下是配置路由A端口fastEthernet1/0的所有命令Router(config-if)#exitRouter(config)#interface fastEthernet 1/0Router(config-if)#ip address shutdown%LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface FastEthernet1/0, changed state to upRouter...