In doing so one of the solutions I tried was regsvr32 ole32.dll. Now when I go to my computer it says "d:\ is not accessible incorrect function" I can't even get the recording tab back from editing the registry. cjamps, Jul 14, 2009 #1 ...
D:\not accessible. the parameter is incorrect 快下班时主管邮件给我,问我一台文件服务器是否正常。我简单查看了下,可以正常访问,但他回复他的文件夹无法访问。 登录到该服务器,发现一个盘符无法打开,并显示D:\not accessible. the parameter is incorrect.打开磁盘管理器,查看到如下,File System格式没有了。。
D:\not accessible. the parameter is incorrect 快下班时主管邮件给我,问我一台文件服务器是否正常。我简单查看了下,可以正常访问,但他回复他的文件夹无法访问。 登录到该服务器,发现一个盘符无法打开,并显示D:\not accessible. the parameter is incorrect.打开磁盘管理器,查看到如下,File System格式没有了。。
AADSTS50129 DeviceIsNotWorkplaceJoined : un rattachement à l’espace de travail est nécessaire pour inscrire l’appareil. AADSTS50131 ConditionalAccessFailed : indique diverses erreurs d’accès conditionnel, comme un état de périphérique Windows incorrect, une requête bloquée en raison d’une...
An attempt to draw to an inaccessible target has been detected. One reason a target may be inaccessible is if it was created from a shared texture and the texture was not acquired.Possible FixesMake sure all targets are accessible before rendering to them with Direct2D....
Cause: Built-in is not accessible from the startup debugger window. Action: Refer to the Oracle Forms Developer's Guide for a list of Built-ins that are not accessible from the startup debugger window. Level: 99 Trigger: None FRM-40747: Cannot call Built-in %s from a debug trigger. ...
1055 错误 Type '{0}' is not a valid async function return type in ES5/ES3 because it does not refer to a Promise-compatible constructor value. 类型“{0}”不是有效的异步函数返回类型。1056 错误 Accessors are only available when targeting ECMAScript 5 and higher. 访问器仅在面向 ECMAScript ...
Si un serveur proxy est configuré, assurez-vous qu'il est accessible ou décochez cette option pour l'usage d'un serveur proxy. L'alerte de sécurité est activée. Dans les options Internet dialoguez le bx, cliquez sur l'onglet Avancé, et le faites descendre l'écran...
Enh #4945: Collapsible-fields now accessible by tab and enable/closable by keypress, check-boxes now focusable Enh #5354: Space - pending invites and approvals: add the image of the users Enh #5361: Optimize People directory details query Enh #5357: SpaceChooser - lazy load added, widget...
becomesdeclare function assertIsString(val: any, msg?: string): void; declare function assert(val: any, msg?: string): void;Type-only import/export (3.8)The downlevel emit is quite simple:import type { T } from 'x';becomesimport { T } from "x";...