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美国亚马逊 D Drops Baby Liquid Vitamin D (90 Drops)历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名D Drops Baby Liquid Vitamin D (90 Drops)
Ddrops Baby Vitamin D3 婴儿维生素D3滴剂(400 IU,90滴)177.6元什么值得买甄选出考拉海购优惠促销商品,包括Ddrops母婴用品报价、多少钱等信息,认真生活,好好花钱就上什么值得买。
商品英文:Baby Ddrops Liquid Vitamin D3 Drops 400IU 2.5ml Per Drop 0.08 fl oz 品牌:Ddrops迪娇普 原产国:美国 规格:2.5ml 400IU 90滴 保质期:4年 适用人群:婴幼儿,儿童 储存条件:避免阳光直射,储存在阴凉干燥处 注意事项:本品为膳食补充剂,非保健食品,更不能代替药物 ...
D Drops Liquid Vitamin D3 Baby is important for healthy growth and development for normal bone growth and muscle strength.
美国亚马逊 Ddrops Baby Liquid Vitamin D3 400 IU 2.50 mL (90 drops) (Pack of 2): Health & Personal Care历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Ddrops Baby Liquid Vitamin D3 400 IU 2.50 mL (90 drops) (Pack of 2): Health & Personal Care
one drop.PurposeDietary SupplementManufacturerDdropsActive Ingredients1 Drop (0.028 mL): Vitamin D3 400 IU (Cholecalciferol); Fractionated Coconut OilDirectionsInfants less than 2 years old: Place 1 drop daily onto mother's nipple, or a pacifier, and allow baby to suck for at least 30 ...