伤口出血时,人体内的纤维蛋白会像补丁一样堵住破口,而伤口愈合时这些纤维蛋白就要被分解,其中就有D-二聚体——机体“过河拆桥”的产物。 图源:百度 血栓是阵发性睡眠性血红蛋白尿症(PNH)最重要的并发症,约50%的PNH患者发生过静脉血栓,并且约1/3由于血栓死...
[53]De PooterN, Brionne-FrançoisM, SmahiM, et al. Age-adjusted D-dimer cut-off levels to rule out venous thromboembolism in patients with non-high pre-test probability: clinical performance and cost-effectiveness analysis[J]. J Thromb Haemost, 2021, 19(5):1271-1282. DOI: 10.1111/jth....
Negative D-Dimer test is a reliable diagnostic modality to rule out the need for CT Angiography in patients at high risk population of PE. However, positive test results cannot confirm the diagnosis and further testing is warranted.doi:10.1016/j.ejrnm.2016.02.005Taman, Saher Ebrahim...
If your result is high or positive, it means there are high levels of D-dimer protein in your blood. Your doctorwill need to do more tests and imaging to see whether you have ablood clot, where it is, and what's causing it. How long does it take to get the results of a D-dime...
试剂盒说明书-快速定量检测 D-Dimer-Triage D-Dimer Test Triage D-Dimer Test 产品说明D-Dimer 的快速定量检测
After the test You should feel normal as soon as the test is complete other than a slight pain or bruising in your arm. D-dimer Test Results Receiving test results If you’re getting a D-dimer test in a hospital emergency room, the hospital lab will work quickly to get results back in...
test that detects the cross-linked fibrin degradation fragment,d-dimer. Elevations in this fragment are seen in primary and secondary fibrinolysis; during thrombolytic or defibrination therapy with tissue plasminogen activator; as a result of thrombotic disease, such as deep-vein thrombosis, pulmonary...
the assay and reporting of D-dimer.Design.-Laboratories' D-dimer proficiency testing data were analyzed and laboratory practices regarding the performance and reporting of D-dimer were surveyed.Results.-Initial grading of D-dimer proficiency testing demonstrated high variability within and among methods...