v.drag·gled,drag·gling,drag·gles v.tr. To make wet and dirty by dragging on the ground. v.intr. 1.To become wet and muddy by being dragged. 2.To follow slowly; straggle. [ Probably frequentative ofdrag.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyr...
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October 27, 2019 | Categories:Other folk's stuff...,Other folks stuff| Tags:book review,horror,kindle,novella,space,survival|Leave a comment Review of Austin Case’s “Wild, Dark Times” Wild, Dark Timesby Austin Case is a very trippy journey into a world of magic and monsters that had...
Zero Tolerance to Negative Thinking (Positive Life Series Book 2)Kindle Edition byDavid J Abbott M.D.(Author)Format:Kindle Edition 4.44.4 out of 5 stars9 ratings Book 2 of 5: Positive Life Series When I was a child, a traveling circus came to town, and my parents took me to see the...