research is scarce and complicated by the use of varying definitions of SB and their overlap with sexual deviance. Consequently, no coherent picture of the role of SB in adolescent sexual offending behavior emerges. Therefore, the objectives of the present study were twofold. First, we aimed to ...
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The mrgingham-... tools are distributed, and their manpages appear below. The test-... tools are internal.mrgingham takes in images as globs (with some optional manipulation given on the cmdline), finds the grids, and returns them on stdout, as a vnlog mrgingham-observe-pixel-uncertainty...
BlackRock has developed a proprietary methodology for determining Sustainable Investments and the Fund uses a number of other methodologies to measure how the social or environmental characteristics promoted by the Fund are met. BlackRock Portfolio Managers have access to research, data, tools, and ...
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Let ⌊ x ⌋ denote the floor function and let ⌈x⌉ be a ceiling operator that provides the least number larger (or equal to) than x. Then, for any integer n (or m), and real number x , we have the following: (i) n ≥ x if and only if n ≥ ⌈ x ⌉ . (ii)...
Reprints and permissions About this article Cite this article Hou, H., Pedersen, B. & Quinlan, A. Balancing efficient analysis and storage of quantitative genomics data with the D4 format and d4tools. Nat Comput Sci 1, 441–447 (2021). Downl...