Sure, Barbarians get Rage and a d12, but I like the extra Fighter feats. Spec him up with two-handers (Greatsword or Polearm). For feats, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Improved Critical, Power Attack, Cleave, Dirty Fighting, Dodge, and Maximized Attacks (this last requires 4 ranks...
WasterGreatsword.png WavebreakersFin.png WhiteIronGreatsword.png WhiteTassel.png Whiteblind.png WindblumeOde.png WineandSong.png WolfsGravestone.png Xiangling.png Xiao.png Xingqiu.png Xinyan.png YaeMiko.png Yanfei.png Yelan.png Yoimiya.png YunJin.png Zhongli.png map_enka...
falchion, flambard, greatsword, great terbutje, greatsword, katana, khopesh, klar, longsword, nine-ring broadsword, nodachi, rhoka sword, sawtooth sabre, scimitar, scythe, seven-branched sword, shotel, sickle-sword, split-blade sword, switchscythe, temple sword, terbutje, and two-bladed swor...
Duel Code (Greatsword) - second campsite 14 Earth Gemstone 15 Earth Gemstone 16 Emperor's Anklet 17 Ether 18 Ether 19 Ether 20 Field Medicine 21 Golden Hourglass (50%), Ether (25%), Hi-Potion (25%) 22 Hi-Elixir 23 Hi-Elixir (50%), Ether (25%), Hi-Potion (25%...
Sword and Greatsword have 5% weapon strength variance MESMER Chrono with danger time - 18,741.26 Eagle | 18,549.05 Thief (Furious Stone) | 18,530.68 Thief | 18,092.60 Scholar 0% uptime ---> 3.5% effective scholar bonus to be even
Favored Weapon:Greatspear,Longspear,Lance,Scimitar,Greatsword,Heavy Pick Bahamut, God-King of Dragons, defender of the weak and champion of righteousness. He is depicted as flying to the heavens, ascending to the Astral Plane. As the God-King of all dragons,Bahamuthas gained quite the renown ...
炽焰巨剑(Fiery Greatsword) 可疑的眼球(Suspicious Looking Eye) 晶状体(Lens)(6) 蠕虫诱饵(Worm Food) 腐肉(Rotten Chunk)(15) 邪恶粉末(Vile Powder)(30) 史莱姆王冠(Slime Crown) 王冠(Gold Crown) 凝胶(Gel)(99) 染缸(Dye Vat) 合成品 原料 所需环境 深红涂料(Deep Red Paint) 红色涂料(Red Paint)...