Back toMain Page→5e Homebrew→Spells→Ranger Back toMain Page→5e Homebrew→Spells→Sorcerer Back toMain Page→5e Homebrew→Spells→Wizard Categories: Spell 3 5e User Divination School Spell Bard 3 Cleric 3 Druid 3 Paladin 3 Ranger 3
Paladin changes in One D&D The Paladin, already a powerful and beloved class, has some smaller tweaks and changes – including the decision to introduce spellcasting at level 1 (instead of level 2 in 5E). As part of a larger overhaul to 5E’s spell preparation, Paladins can now swap out...
After this spell ends, their soul passes on completely. They die again, and cannot be revived any more, except by divine intervention, thewishspell, or similar effects. Back toMain Page→5e Homebrew→Spells→Cleric Back toMain Page→5e Homebrew→Spells→Paladin ...
Find Steed – Second Level Paladin Spell So I popped in at the end of a one-shot that a friend was DMing and as they were finishing up one of the players in my Slaves of Troustar campaign asking me a weird out of the blue question. “Hey I’m probably gonna level up soon to le...
“The nanocyte is a cunning combatant who houses a host of nanites in their body. Using their nanite array, they can confound foes, spontaneously create equipment, and reinforce their own bodies, and specialized nanocytes can even stitch wounds, dissolve into nanite swarms, and shred foes wit...
The writers behind the Libations supplement include Paladin – a TRPG designer who has previously created a tabletop RPG interview book called Polyhedral - and Kiersten Bell, an author who worked with Paladin on a supplement for D&D 5E called Incantations. The Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign for ...
(the Iconic paladin) and Yoon (the iconic kineticist) battling ostovites. Both images are by Igor Grechanyi. There’s a lovely map of The Gravelands (Lastwall and parts of Ustalav) on the inside cover. There’s a ton of artwork throughout the book — of enemies, allies, and ...
kapcave_paladinpad_rev2_via.hex kapl_rev1_via.hex karlb_kbic65_via.hex kb_elmo_67mk_e_via.hex kb_elmo_aek2_usb_via.hex kb_elmo_noah_avr_via.hex kb_elmo_qez_via.hex kb_elmo_sesame_via.hex kb_elmo_twelvekey_via.hex kb_elmo_vertex_via.hex kbdfans_baguette66_rgb...
Maybe it has morals that won't let it do certain things. Maybe it resents being bound. Maybe it's a demon or a devil forced to the will of another paladin, or a bound lantern that doesn't want to be involved in mortal affairs. Occasionally, it will ...
kapcave_paladinpad_rev2_via.hex kapl_rev1_via.hex karlb_kbic65_via.hex kb_elmo_67mk_e_via.hex kb_elmo_aek2_usb_via.hex kb_elmo_noah_avr_via.hex kb_elmo_qez_via.hex kb_elmo_sesame_via.hex kb_elmo_twelvekey_via.hex kb_elmo_vertex_via.hex kbdfans_baguette66_rgb_v...