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Find Steed – Second Level Paladin Spell So I popped in at the end of a one-shot that a friend was DMing and as they were finishing up one of the players in my Slaves of Troustar campaign asking me a weird out of the blue question. “Hey I’m probably gonna level up soon to le...
Last time I introduced you to Jurden, the Half-Orc Paladin of Vengeance. In his backstory, I introduced his nemesis, the necromancer Malek. Malek was another Bones figure that I painted and then decided to give game stats. Malek also commands an honor guard of skeletal warriors who you will...
I have read the new Players Handbook for 5e, and the Xanathar’s Guide to Everything. Both were very enjoyable. I especially like the new spin on classes they have introduced – The Oath of the Ancients Paladin, being my favorite (on paper). I have been reading and absorbing 5e material...
(the Iconic paladin) and Yoon (the iconic kineticist) battling ostovites. Both images are by Igor Grechanyi. There’s a lovely map of The Gravelands (Lastwall and parts of Ustalav) on the inside cover. There’s a ton of artwork throughout the book — of enemies, allies, and ...
INS-MV_5E Icons Assembled Icons French Impulse_Drive Império De Jade In Which We Live And Breathe In-Nomine-Char-Sheet Infected! Infinity-2d20 Into The Dark Iron Kingdoms RPG Ironclaw Ironsworn ItrasBy Jojo's Bizarre Tabletop Kagegami High Karyu Densetsu Kids on Bikes Official Kids-on-Bikes...
Lords-Of-Gossamer-And-Shadow Lotfp Low Fantasy Gaming Lyceennes M-Space MAGUS_UTK MCC_Tabbed_Sheet MERP Macchiato Monsters Magic_World Magica_Logia Magical_Fury Maid RPG Maid Mantel dAcier Marvel Heroic Roleplaying MarvelSH Marvel_Saga Masks - A New Generation Mass Effect MassEffect_5e MechW...
Maybe it has morals that won't let it do certain things. Maybe it resents being bound. Maybe it's a demon or a devil forced to the will of another paladin, or a bound lantern that doesn't want to be involved in mortal affairs. Occasionally, it will ...
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