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Find Steed – Second Level Paladin Spell So I popped in at the end of a one-shot that a friend was DMing and as they were finishing up one of the players in my Slaves of Troustar campaign asking me a weird out of the blue question. “Hey I’m probably gonna level up soon to le...
Last time I introduced you to Jurden, the Half-Orc Paladin of Vengeance. In his backstory, I introduced his nemesis, the necromancer Malek. Malek was another Bones figure that I painted and then decided to give game stats. Malek also commands an honor guard of skeletal warriors who you will...
I have read the new Players Handbook for 5e, and the Xanathar’s Guide to Everything. Both were very enjoyable. I especially like the new spin on classes they have introduced – The Oath of the Ancients Paladin, being my favorite (on paper). I have been reading and absorbing 5e material...
Maybe it has morals that won't let it do certain things. Maybe it resents being bound. Maybe it's a demon or a devil forced to the will of another paladin, or a bound lantern that doesn't want to be involved in mortal affairs. Occasionally, it will ...
(the Iconic paladin) and Yoon (the iconic kineticist) battling ostovites. Both images are by Igor Grechanyi. There’s a lovely map of The Gravelands (Lastwall and parts of Ustalav) on the inside cover. There’s a ton of artwork throughout the book — of enemies, allies, and ...
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