1.石家庄~广州 Z89/90次改为动车组列车,车次改为D89/90次,改使用CR200J型动车组。2.重庆西~北京西 Z96/5次改为动车组列车,同时改重庆北始发终到,车次改为D96/5次,改使用CR200J型动车组。3.长春~昆明 K2288/5、K2286/7次改为直达特快列车,车次改为Z325/Z326次,改使用25T型DC600V车底,...
89 Feb 20, 2020 2020-02-20 16:03:53.026478 - Change detected! Feb 20, 2020 90 91 即使添加的氯在国标许可的最上限,也可以直接喝,并不会对健康造成影响。",,0,2020-02-19 17:53:31.473 5e4d05a02815d234df54e576,103,下雪可以杀死病毒?,丁香医生团队:结论存疑,天气与病毒的关系较...
京C北京市 京D北京市 京E北京市 京F北京市 京G北京市 京H北京市 京J北京市 京K北京市 京L北京市 京M北京市 京N北京市 京O北京市公安局专用 京P北京市 京Q北京市 京Y北京市 京V中央直属部队专用 上海市(沪) 牌号地区 沪A上海市 沪B上海市
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Scholars have long discussed the sexual exploitation of enslaved women by white southern men. They have similarly described white southern men's commodification of enslaved women's capacity to reproduce and their purchase and sale of particular groups of enslaved women, namely light-skinned, typically...
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Targeted therapy attempts are needed to enhance esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) patients’ overall survival and satisfaction of life. Nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (NRF2), as a high-confidence cancer driver gene, controls the antioxidant response, metabolic balance and redox ho...
A total of 130 BC2TYpet-FtnA spots and 89 SNAP-FtnA spots were analyzed. The integrated intensity data was binned with a bin size of 1000 AD counts and plotted as relative frequency histograms (Supplementary Fig. 3b). Approximating the labeling of FtnA oligomers with AF647 molecules with ...
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