法国在20世纪30年代是一个奢华而富足的地方,Art Deco装饰派艺术作品成为了这个时代的重要特征。 FINE精制家具以一个全新的系列, 重新发掘和定义了那个时代的精神.为了真实捕捉Art Deco装饰派艺术的设计美学,并注入我们的愿景,我们与一位知名的法国设计师展开了合作,他以维护经典设计的完整性,同时拥抱当代生活方式的创...
Les propriétés diélectriques de deux copolymères poly[(méthylcyanure de vinylidène)- co -(4-chlorostyrène)] et poly[(méthylcyanure de vinylidène)- co -(4-fluorostyrène)] ont été étudiés. Ces copolymères sont principalement alternants et possètent des températures de transit...
Sulfonated HTX (HTXS) is a polyelectrolyte. Consequently, a salt is added to NMP to perform reliable viscometric and SEC analyses. The SEC method is standardized with the establishment of the universal calibration with poly(methyl methacrylate) standards and the determination of the Mark-Houwink-...
The set-up and optimisation of a three-stage process at a new co-evaporation reactor has led to cell efficiencies up to 16.7 % without anti-reflection coating. The key for this achievement was the control of the Ga gradient. In depth inhomogeneities have been characterised by a novel method...
1-(4-Acetoxy)-3-(2 H -benzotriazolylphenyl)vinyl acetate (4) was synthesized. The polymerization of 4 afforded polymer 5 with a relatively low molecular weight (= 2000). Copolymerizations of 4 (3,7 wt.-%) were carried out with styrene and methyl methacrylate to copolymers 6 and 7, ...
Ta Chi ChiangCh. GraillatJ. GuillotQ. T. PhamA. GuyotJournal of Polymer Science Polymer Chemistry Edition
First page of articledoi:10.1002/hlca.19320150190Cherbuliez EmileRilliet AlbertWILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbHHelvetica Chimica Acta
Büchi, JInstitut Pharmaceutique de l'Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Zurich, Section de recherches scientifiques de la maison Dr A. Wander S. A. à BerneEnézian, GInstitut Pharmaceutique de l'Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Zurich, Section de recherches scientifiques de la maison Dr A. ...