scanf("%s %.1f",pt->stud.num,&pt->;改成 scanf("%s %.1f",pt->num,&pt->money);
error: 'struct' has no member named 'member' 解释:在名为struct的结构体中没有找到名为member的成员。 error: array type has incomplete element type 'struct' 解释:数组的元素类型为未完整定义的结构体struct。 2、链接时错误: undefined reference to 'function' 解释:在链接时找不到名为function的函数定义。
144: error: structure has no member named `number'结构体没有名称为“number”的成员 172: error: `stu' undeclared (first use in this function)stu没有声明(首次使用时,先声明)220: error: invalid use of undefined type `struct student'struct student这个类型没声明 。。。你双击错误,...
student?has?no?member?named?apos;nim [Error]?a?function-definition?is?not?allowed?here?before{token [Error]peoapos;?was?not?declared?in?this?scope [Error]amainmust?return?int? Error]?could?not?convert?(student)(?st)from?apos;student*?to?apos;studentapos;大多是拼写错误和一些基本的小错误...
我看到编译器错误: dspter.c:209:18: error: ‘FILE’ has no member named ‘__fileL’ lseek ((int)Ofd->__fileL, 1-sizeof(PDAY_REC99), SEEK_END); dspter.c:220:13: error: ‘FILE’ has no member named ‘__fileL’ lseek (Ofd->__fileL 浏览11提问于2021-05-14得票数 1...
[Error] G:\系统文件\Documents\C-Free\Temp\未命名1.cpp:29: error: 'struct SqList' has no member named 'elme'[Error] G:\系统文件\Documents\C-Free\Temp\未命名1.cpp:43: error: `newbase' was not declared in this scope[Error] G:\系统文件\Documents\C-Free\Temp\未命名1.cpp:43: ...
{ queue.f1(input); } 但是,这不会产生错误的编译: no member named 'f1' in 'std::__1::deque<T *, std::__1::allo 浏览0提问于2019-02-18得票数 0 回答已采纳 1回答 哪些代码在javascript中表现得更好? 、 我的问题与以下代码有关- 场景1: var queue = []; var busy = false; exports...
incomplete after its declarator, or after its init-declarator if it has an initializer (6.7). — A function is declared at block scope with an explicit storage-class specifier other than extern(6.7.1). — A structure or union is defined as containing no named members ( — An...
A group of NP (2 ≤ NP ≤ 10) uniquely named friends has decided to exchange gifts of money. Each of these friends might or might not give some money to any or all of the other friends. Likewise, each friend might or might not receive money from any or all of the other friends. ...