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In this paper, we prove that there are at most four solutions in positive integers (x,y,z) to the equation kax+lby=cz and at most two solutions when 2∤(u(l/k)), where u(m) is the least positive integer t with mt≡1(modc). Video For a video summary of this paper, please...
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This is remarkably easier if the sample matrix is tap water, rather than 18.2 M Omega x cm water. Long, thinly-coated apolar extractors and uncoated but deactivated ones may be especially sensitive towards benzo(a)pyrene.doi:10.1016/j.microc.2006.04.004V.G. MihuczMicrochemical Journal...
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∫−11∫−11∫−11Φ((ax+by+cz)R)Ψ(x,y,z)dxdydzAuthor links open overlay panelKlaus LangmannShow more Add to Mendeley Share Cite https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnt.2008.05.001Get rights and content Under an Elsevier user license Open archiveZusammenfassung Wir betrachten Riemannsche ...
Number of points on the projective curves aY l = bXl + cZl and aY 2l = bX2l + cZ2l defined over finite fields, l an odd prime. J Number Theory, 1999, 77: 288-313Anuradha, N. and Katre, S.A., Number of points on the projective curves aYl=bXl+cZl and aY2l=bX2l+cZ2l ...