CZ P-01 Omega微声手枪配备螺纹枪管,高位瞄准具,外观有灰色、黑色、FDE色可供选择。高位瞄准具可以在安装消音器时正常使用,上面还有氚光点,便于在阴暗或黑暗环境中使用。铝合金套筒座前方有导轨,可以加装附件,套筒座前后都有防滑纹路,与符合人体工程学的橡胶握把护板配合,可以舒适地握持。套筒座后方有“海獭尾...
The CZ 75 Omega version an interesting handgun that is well worth its price. What do you think of the CZ 75 B Omega? Let us know in the comments below! Greg February 17, 2021 at 8:30 am I own a CZ-75 SP01 Tactical in Urban Grey (with decocker) CZ-75 P01 Omega in Urban Grey...
Can't decide CZ P07 vs Glock 19 then checkout our comparision where we go over all the features to help you decide which is the best for you.