Liberty Suppressor的Cosmic消音器(如图)采用了模块化设计,整体式内构和钛合金外壳,结构坚固且轻便,可以应用到9mm至.458 Socom所有口径的枪械。Cosmic消音器通过更换不同的接口附件可以固定到任何枪械上,测试中使用9mm接口与CZ P-01 Omega枪管的1/2“x 28 TPI螺纹连接。这种消音器同样可以拆卸,以便于清洁。大多...
Disassembly is easier with the Omega and may be done without tools. However — and this may be my individualfirearm— the Omega action doesn’t seem as smooth as the standard CZ 75 B. If you purchase the Omega trigger design, you have the ability to change the action type, rather than ...