但是我绝对不会考虑把它作为我的Combat Pistol放在我的Holster里,它更适合用来打IPSC或者家庭防卫一些,我相信这个感受很多军警同志们也会有,不希望自己枪套里的枪太重而影响活动。细小的滑架虽然说好处多于坏处,但是在手出汗或者枪有油的情况下的确是非常难拉动,这点对刚开始使用这把枪的人来说是一个小缺陷(磨合...
shooter-friendly partner. You could carry this in a security holster on-duty, then slip it into your CCW rig for the drive home. If you’re not a cop, you can simply enjoy this
180乘75韩版春夏新款棉麻围巾薄款丝滑披肩出游防晒沙滩巾女头巾 义乌市伽运服饰有限公司 1年 回头率: 27.1% 浙江 金华市 ¥27.00 成交99件 IWB holster外贸出口kydexiwb枪套 1911p320glock g2c s&w枪套cz 义乌市曙昌电子商务有限公司 12年 回头率: 47.6% 浙江 义乌市 ¥21.00 成交105双 源头工...
Bruce B November 9, 2023 / 11:22 pm I’ve had my P09 FDE for some years now, and have a Garrett Silent Thunder IWB holster, and 8 mags for it. I’m well satisfied with the accuracy, and often shoot at long range targets. It’s probably the most accurate 9mm I own. It has...
I don’t have one but have enjoyed em, and i also including em. Fed up with having ten full minutes to match with excellent holster merely enter a shop for 5 instances. At this point on “We Posses” we a Heckler & Koch VP9 SK-B pistol transferred within a Galco Conflict Skipper ho...