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By clicking any of these options, you are agreeing to receive marketing emails, newsletters and other promotional communications from Cytiva from time to time. You have a right towithdraw your consent at any time, by clicking here. We may still continue to send you service-related and other ...
byCytiva UK Limited,Lab Manager, andCytiva Being strategic in imager selection and upgrades enables labs to do more with less Sep 16, 2022|2min read Whitepaper How The Right Filter Can Save Your Lab Time and Money byCytiva UK LimitedandCytiva ...
Shop Cytiva (Formerly Pall Lab) Supracap™ 50 depth filter capsule with dual-layer media grade PDP8 (6-30 m retention rating) and luer-lock connections
Filter kits for Tricorn 5 and 10 columns are available in 7 µm, 18 µm and > 25 µm porosities to meet your application needs.
KvickLab 切向流膜过滤分离系统产地:瑞典; 品牌:Cytiva 产品描述 • 可容纳膜块数量:1-5 • 可容纳膜面积:0.01-0.6m2 • 可处理样品:200mL-120L以上 • 全封闭系统设计、更安全、 防止环境污染 • LCD转子泵,更接近生产工艺、可线性放大到生产规模...
参考报价:面议 品牌:Cytiva 产地:瑞典 型号:KvickLab 样本:来电或留言获取样本 在线咨询 留言咨询 电话咨询 收藏 AI问答 可以做哪些实验,检测什么? 可以用哪些耗材和试剂? 多少钱一台? 参数细节是什么? 使用的注意事项? 操作规程? 可以做哪些实验,检测什么? 可以用哪些耗材和试剂? 多少钱一台? 参数细节是...
商品名称:GE LIFE Cytiva Superdex 200 Prep Grade/150ml 商品编号:17104301 品牌:GE Amersham Biosciences 上架时间:2021-06-18 商品毛重:300克 库存: 8 详细参数>> Superdex 200 prep grade 凝胶过滤填料为单克隆抗体的分离、精纯和产品配制提供了极高的分辨率。 1、Size exclusion chromatography resin providing...
新型核心层析技术和多模式、辛胺配基赋予 Capto Core 700 双功能。该层析填料具有分子排阻和结合特性。 1、新型核心层析技术和多模式、辛胺配基赋予 Capto Core 700 双功能。该层析填料具有分子排阻和结合特性。 2、新型核心层析技术可高效捕获污染物,同时在流穿过程中收集靶分子。 3、与标准分子排阻(凝胶过滤)方法...
GE Healthcare is pioneering the development of human cell-based models such as Cytiva Cardiomyocytes, which provide a biologically relevant alternative to current cell models and primary cells for predictive cardiotoxicity testing. Comments from Dr. Usha Warrior, Senior Di...