TFT displays with unique and advanced technology "HAST" makes superior performance and high resolution. Read more about Ortus Technology Parade Technologies Parade Technologies, Ltd. is a leading supplier of mixed-signal ICs for a variety of popular display and high-speed interface standards used ...
新加坡 2010年2月1日电 / -- 亚洲领先的半导体技术增值分销商 Cytech Technology Ltd 旗下全资子公司 Cytech Global Pte Ltd 今天宣布,该公司已经与总部位于美国的领先石英和振荡器生产商 Ecliptek Corporation 就在东南亚和印度销售其产品事宜达成了一项分销协定。Cytech Global 目前已是 Ecliptek 在新加坡、马来西亚、...
該分銷網絡將爲亞洲市場的客戶提供針對BroadLight ITU-T PON解決方案的本地銷售和支持。BroadLight選中的分銷商包括: 中國駿龍科技有限公司 (Cytech Technology Limited)、 日本理經株式會社(Rikei)、韓國ILDO Technology公司、臺灣益登科技有限公司(Edom Technology)以及新加坡和印度的Maxmega Electronics Pte., Ltd公司。
" said Johnny Chan, Chairman of Cytech. "With this expanded partnership, we look forward to collectively servicing our customers' needs and expanding the reach for programmable logic." Cytech Global Pte Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Cytech Technology Ltd which is currentl...
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Macnica Cytech is one of the leading technology oriented value-added distributors of electronic components in Hong Kong, China, ASEAN countries and India region today. Macnica Cytech Pte Ltd was established in 2009 to lead the expansion into ASEAN countries and India region, with Singapore as the...