Twitter Google Share on Facebook cyst (redirected fromCysts) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Related to Cysts:Ovarian Cysts,sebaceous cysts cyst (sĭst) n. 1.An abnormal membranous sac in the body containing a gaseous, liquid, or semisolid substance. ...
Google Share on Facebook kidney cysts Small, fluid-filled cavities in the kidneys that are common and benign and usually cause neither symptoms nor danger. But seePOLYCYSTIC KIDNEY. Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 2005 ...
Most patients with symptoms will report a vagueabdominal pain, caused by the mass effect on surrounding structures (or less commonly due to cyst rupture). As with other liver cysts, localised mass effect can further result in nausea and early satiety. Rarely, patients can present inanaphylaxisif...
Liver spots (also called age spots) are a common skin condition that typically appears on the face and forearms of older individuals. Although these flat brown spots cause no symptoms, patients detest them because of their unsightly appearance. They can be treated in a variety of ways, but ...
Huge liver cystsHybrid operating roomAngiographyUnroofingHepatic cystotomyBackground Liver cysts are common, with most cases being asymptomatic. In symptomatic cases, the disease is amenable to treatment. However, huge or multiple liver cysts with vascular narrowing and associated systemic symptoms are ...
Cystic lesions of the liver include the following: Simple cysts Multiple cysts arising in the setting of polycystic liver disease (PCLD) Parasitic or hydatid (echinococcal) cysts Cystic tumors Abscesses These conditions can usually be distinguished on the basis of the patient's symptoms, ...
Conclusions Surgical deroofing is the most effective treatment option for symptomatic liver cysts. Half of our patient population retained at least one symptom from a group of more than ten abdominal symptoms. Only the minority of these cases may be attributed to true recurrence, de-novo cysts ...
Hepatic Cysts Introduction The term hepatic cyst usually refers to solitary nonparasitic cysts of the liver, also known as simple cysts. Most simple cysts asymptomatic and require no treatment. When the cysts become large and cause symptoms, treatment is warranted. Today, laparoscopic unroofing(去顶...
Based on our experience with four cases of liver cysts and review of the literature, the following conclusions are reached: (1) Diagnosis can be established with routine and special radiologic studies. (2) Laparotomy is indicated for patients with symptoms or uncertain diagnosis. (3) Surgical man...
HEPATI CCYSTS肝脏囊肿 HepaticCysts Introduction Thetermhepaticcystusuallyreferstosolitarynonparasiticcystsoftheliver,alsoknownassimplecysts.Mostsimplecystsasymptomaticandrequirenotreatment.Whenthecystsbecomelargeandcausesymptoms,treatmentiswarranted.Today,laparoscopicunroofing(去顶术)oflargesimplecysts...