Utilize this comprehensive nursing care plan and management guide to provide effective care for patients with cystic fibrosis. Gain valuable insights on nursing assessment, interventions, goals, and nursing diagnosis specifically tailored for cystic fibr
(2021) have also found that the pandemic appears to disproportionately impact those with disabilities and medical complexity, while, at the same time, worsening the mental health of these vulnerable populations. Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a progressive multi-system organ disease and is considered a ...
5Cystic Fibrosis Centre, Ospedale Civile Maggiore, Verona, Italy; 6Service de Ge´ne´tique Mole´culaire, CHU and INSERM U827, Montpellier, France; 7Laboratoire de Ge´ne´tique Mole´culaire, Brest, France; 8Department of Biology and Medical Genetics, 2nd School of Medicine and Uni...
The use of high-dose ibuprofen for the treatment of cystic fibrosis (CF) lung disease has well-documented beneficial effects, which have been attributed to its anti-inflammatory activity [39]. We previously found that high concentrations of ibuprofen, equivalent to the peak serum concentrations achi...