Cystic duct insertionThe frequency of insertion variations of cystic duct (CD) is inconsistent between studies caused to some extent by the way they give the relative frequency of the variations. Moreover, certain insertion variations have been reported to be associated with choledocholithiasis. This...
Zajko AB, Bennett MJ, Campbell WL et al (1990) Mucocele of the cystic duct remnant in eight liver transplant recipients: findings at cholangiography, CT and US. Radiology 177:691–693 PubMed CAS Google Scholar Abcarian PW, Emond JC, Ring EJ (1994) Cystic duct remnant mucocele in a liv...
2021, Radiology Case Reports Citation Excerpt : There is no agreement on the pathogenesis of this process. Several explanations have been raised [4,5]. An attractive hypothesis was proposed by Takeda et al [6] who suggested that this hemorrhagic cyst is due to a congenital anomaly such as a...
1) Mechanical complications (53%) - Median duration of catheter insertion before complication was 592 days, the most common problem being occlusion. Catheter removed in 18 cases. 2) Symptomatic venous thrombosis (9%) - These were treated with either streptokinase or local tissue plasminogen ...
Cystic duct stentCholecystoduodenal stentThere have been few case reports describing cystic duct stent insertion in the management of acute cholecystitis secondary to benign disease with no case series published to date. We present our series demonstrating the role of cystic duct stents in managing ...
Cystic duct stent insertion can be successfully used to manage acute cholecystitis/gallbladder empyema or gallbladder perforation in those unfit for surgery and should be considered alongside external gallbladder drainage. We hope to further refine this technique for use in patients fit for surgery as...
High insertion was noted in 6% and short CD in 1% of cases. In 1 case, CD was draining into right hepatic duct. Congenital cystic dilation of CD was noted in one case with evidence of type IV choledochal cyst. Conclusion. Cystic duct variations are common and MRCP is an optimal imaging...
The presence of a dysplastic kidney or absence of a kidney should prompt further evaluation for associated ureteric abnormalities such as ectopic insertion or ureterocoele, which could lead to a diagnosis of tubulocystic anomaly of the MND. Contribution: The authors describe t...
MCN is usually considered to have no communication with intrahepatic duct, but in this particular case, the communication with the biliary duct was suggested from its early stage of the lesion, which would be the cause of peculiar chronological change in MR appearance. This is a preview of ...
We experienced a 13% complication rate with 3% mortality rate at 30days.#Cystic duct stent insertion can be successfully used to manage acute cholecystitis, gallbladder empyema or gallbladder perforations in those unfit for surgery and should be considered alongside external gallbladder drainage as a...