Definition (CSP)surgical removal of the gallbladder. ConceptsTherapeutic or Preventive Procedure(T061) MSHD002763 ICD951.22, 51.2 ICD10965,30443-00 SnomedCT149492003,119917005,174500005,38102005 CPT47600, 1014153 LNCLA14290-3, LA16844-5 EnglishCholecystectomies,Cholecystectomy,CHOLECYSTECTOMY,Excision of ...
In the filamentous cyanobacterium Nostoc punctiforme ATCC 29133, removal of combined nitrogen induces the differentiation of heterocysts, a cell-type specialized in N2 fixation. The differentiation involves genomic, structural and metabolic adaptations. In cyanobacteria, changes in the availability of carbon...
A 44-year-old female patient was seen last week by her internist for a left breast mass. The patient was referred to an oncologist who ordered an MRI, which revealed intraductal carcinoma in situ left breast. Assign the correct ICD-10-CM ...