CWCustomWare(methodology for custom services and training on rapidly evolving technologies; The New CustomWare Company) CWCheese Whiz(food product) CWCold Welding CWCat's Whisker CWCastle Wars(gaming, Runescape) CWCoalition Warfare CWChaotic Wrestling(Massachusetts) ...
Share on Facebook spina bifida (redirected fromMeningeal cyst) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia spina bifida top: normal spine bottom: spina bifida spi·na bif·i·da (spī′nə bĭf′ĭ-də) n. A congenital defect in which the spinal column is imperfectly closed so that part of the me...
MRI of the lumbar vertebra demonstrated the lesion, that is iso-intensity with respect to the spinal cord on T1-weighted image, and hyperintensity on T2-weighted image.At operation, we curetted the lesion of the cystic cavity filled with bloody fluid by the transpedicular approach. Alkali...
Dorsal cervical spinal arachnoid cyst (Type III) presenting with dorsal column dysfunction: A case report.doi:10.1080/10790268.2016.1244987Mahesh Krishna PillaiJ Spinal Cord Med
(seeChapter 19). Ganglia are often seen in the parameniscal tissue of thekneejoint, usually in proximity to thelateral meniscus(Figs. 21-58and21-59).Synovial cystsmay also develop in thevertebral column, where they may result in pressure on the nerve root or on thespinal canalcontents (...
It also migrates through the foramina of the skull base and vertebral column to invade the brain parenchyma, the subarachnoid space, or the spinal canal. The tissue surrounding the parasite shows inflammatory changes. Focal necrosis along the tracks of migration of these larvae is a common ...
It is true that the indiscriminate use of suprapubic cystostomy, considered during World War II as the method of choice in the immediate management of the paralysed bladder, has disappeared. The detri mental effects on the urinary tract as a result of this method have clearly disproved the...
Fusion following lateral mass reconstruction in the cervical spine Recently, aggressive surgical techniques and a push toward en bloc resections of certain tumors have resulted in a need for creative spinal column reconstr... MJ Clarke,PL Zadnik,ML Groves,... - 《Journal of Neurosurgery Spine》...
The paralysis may be the result of direct mechanical pressure on the spinal cord and nerve roots or due to anoxia of the cord secondary to obstruction of the supplying blood vessels leading to necrosis (Bekler et ai., 1957; McArthur and Fisher, 1966; Dabska and Buraczewsky, 1969; Tadov...
Esophageal duplications and bronchogenic cysts are aberrations of primitive foregut development. Duplications can be found along the entire length of the esophagus with varying presentation depending on its location and pressure effects on neighboring structures. Although duplications can remain asymptomatic, ...