{"baseUrl":"http://localhost:8000",// URL used as prefix for [`cy.visit()`] or [`cy.request()`] command's URL"viewportWidth":1920,// Default width in pixels for the application under tests' viewport. (Override with [`cy.viewport()`]"viewportHeight":1080,// Default height in pi...
RequestToSendSignal:RTS(请求发送)。 ClearToSendSignal:CTS(清除发送)。 SecondaryTransmittedDataSignal:STD(次要传输数据)。 SecondaryReceivedDataSignal:SRD(次要接收数据)。 7、enum QSerialPort::SerialPortError:此枚举描述了error属性可能包含的错误。 NoError:没有发生错误。 DeviceNotFoundError:尝试打开不存在...
We've designed our API this way because the DOM is a highly mutable object that constantly goes stale. For Cypress to prevent flake, and know when to proceed, we manage commands in a highly controlled deterministic way. Cypress API 如此设计的原因是,DOM 是一种易变对象,随着用户操作或者交互,...
Current behavior: When a XHR request is followed by a change of the hash without changing the location, waiting for that request is impossible. In Single Page Applications, it is common practice to connect the navigation to the hash, but...
Cypress 的测试代码一般上都是 UI 操作。然后检查 UI 的变化。当然它也可以发 request 检查资料是否输入到 database 等等。 反正人怎么 test 它就怎么 test 就对了啦。 测试结果 它会一行一行跑,去操作 UI。并且检查 UI display 是否正确。 注: Cypress 的 event 都是模拟的,比如 click 它是通过 JavaScript ...
I am just following he tutorial at your site and there is a part when cy.wait('@alias') is shown. On the video it worked fine, However I always getting an error CypressError: Timed out retrying: cy.wait() timed out waiting 5000ms for the 1st request to the route: 'create'. No ...
use .intercept() to match any http request our app makes. intercepted http requests can be waited for. Intercepted http requests can be tested. it('Intercept requests', () =>{ cy .intercept({ method:'POST', url:'/api/boards'}).as('createBoard') ...
八、使用request 请求进行登录 describe('My first test case for cypress',function(){it('login as admin without UI:',function(){constaccountTypes={// 设置账号类型admin:{account:'admin',password:'123456'}}cy.request({url:'http://yourhost/login',method:'POST',form:true,body:accountTypes['ad...
,包括 FetchAPI,页面加载,XMLHttpRequest,资源加载等 不需要在使用前调用,实际上 cy.server() 根本不影响 cy.intercept() cy.server()...: number } string 如果传递一个字符串,这个值相当于响应body的值等价于 StaticResponse 对象 { body: "foo" } object 如果传递了没有 StaticResponse...接口响应? 自...
('http://localhost:8888/dashboard')// pass an array of Route Aliases that forces Cypress to wait// until it sees a response for each request that matches// each of these aliasescy.wait(['@getActivities','@getMessages'])// these commands will not run until the wait command resolves ...