这一个个震撼世界的发明奖项,都出自Cynthia Breazeal之手。当之无愧地,她是社交机器人技术和人机交互领域的先锋人物。Cynthia Breazeal今年52岁,在加利福尼亚长大,在波士顿生活。作为麻省理工学院媒体艺术与科学副教授,以及个人机器人小组(Personal Robots Group)的领导者,她是学者、科学家、创新者、企业家和意见...
About the speaker Cynthia Breazeal Roboticist See speaker profile At MIT, Cynthia Breazeal and her team are building robots with social intelligence that communicate and learn the same way people do. This talk was presented at an official TED conference. Read our curation guidelines. Transcript ...
She has developed some of the world’s most famous robotic creatures, ranging from small hexapod robots to highly expressive humanoids, including the social robot Kismet and the expressive robot Leonardo. Her recent work investigates the impact of social robots on helping people of all ages to ach...
CynthiaBreazeal:SoKismetinteractedwithpeoplelikekind辛西娅布雷齐尔:Kismet与人类互动正如一个不 ofanonverbalchildorpre-verbalchild,whichIassumewas能说话或者发声前的孩子,我认为这很合适因为 fittingbecauseitwasreallythefirstofitskind.它第一个这类的机器人。[01:41] Itdidntspeaklanguage,butitdidntmatter.他不...
(TV Mini-series)-Self - Kismet Designer(1 episode, 2001) Face to Face(三月 7, 2001)Season 1, Episode 1-Self - Kismet Designer (as Dr. Cynthia Breazeal) Galileo(1999–2000) (TV Series)-Self(2 episodes, 1999) Roboter Gefühle(一月 5, 2000)Self ...
这一个个震撼世界的发明奖项,都出自Cynthia Breazeal之手。当之无愧地,她是社交机器人技术和人机交互领域的先锋人物。 Cynthia Breazeal今年52岁,在加利福尼亚长大,在波士顿生活。作为麻省理工学院媒体艺术与科学副教授,以及个人机器人小组(Personal Robots Group)的领导者,她是学者、科学家、创新者、企业家和意见领袖...
这一个个震撼世界的发明奖项,都出自Cynthia Breazeal之手。当之无愧地,她是社交机器人技术和人机交互领域的先锋人物。 Cynthia Breazeal今年52岁,在加利福尼亚长大,在波士顿生活。作为麻省理工学院媒体艺术与科学副教授,以及个人机器人小组(Personal Robots Group)的领导者,她是学者、科学家、创新者、企业家和意见领袖...
Face to Face (三月 7, 2001) Season 1, Episode 1 - Self - Kismet Designer (as Dr. Cynthia Breazeal) Galileo (1999–2000) (TV Series) - Self (2 episodes, 1999) Roboter Gefühle (一月 5, 2000) Self Kismet (二月 1, 1999) Self See all selfIMDb...