Jibo创始人Cynthia Breazeal便是社交机器人领域的主要研究者之一。 Cynthia常年所坚持的一个观点是:机器人本身是一门关于人的研究,社交机器人的关键在于(机器如何掌握)像人一样对待人。 二、创立Jibo的故事 MIT Media Lab记录了Cynthia Breazeal在2001年从MIT AI Lab转会加入Media Lab,自此开始了长达15年的“机器...
世界最前沿黑科技实验室 MIT Media Lab 教授 Cynthia: 让社交机器人陪伴千万家庭成为现实 作者 | DataGirls 这一个个震撼世界的发明奖项,都出自Cynthia Breazeal之手。当之无愧地,她是社交机器人技术和人机交互领域的先锋人物。Cynthia Breazeal今年52岁,在加利福尼亚长大,在波士顿生活。作为麻省理工学院媒体艺术与...
2016年6月17日,Cynthia Breazeal告诉北京的科技媒体们,这是她第二次来到这座城市。如同Cynthia的研究一样,在向我们讲述Jibo时,Cynthia很少使用“设备、数据、功能”这样的词,而是喜欢描述“关系、情感、互动”。 与Cynthia一道出席媒体见面会的除了Jibo CEO Steve,还有Jibo在中国的投资方东方网力,后者是国内一家颇具...
Cynthia Breazeal博士是JIBO公司创始人和首席执行官,同时也是麻省理工学院媒体实验室副教授,她创办和指导个人机器人小组。 Breazeal是公认的社交机器人的先驱,是全球公认的创新者和尖端技术的思想领袖。她的书,设计社交机器人,由麻省理工学院出版社出版,被认为是在该领域的开创性成就。 这部视频是Cynthia Breazeal博士在...
Dr. Cynthia Breazeal directs the Personal Robots Group at the MIT Media Lab, and is the founder of Jibo, Inc. Check out her TED talk on The Rise of Personal Robots, and learn how these robots can help us lead healthier, empowering, and more emotionally-connected lives. Live better with...
Cynthia Breazeal Constructs robots whose expressive faces convey humanlike emotions 获奖年份 2003 企业/机构 MIT 地区 Global 人工智能与机器人技术领域下更多结果 人工智能与机器人技术领域下所有结果
62.The robots in the movie StarWarswere so ___ that Breazeal became interested in them when she wasten. A.clever B. cute C. funny D. cool 63.Which of the following is the best in the blank? A.How much is Jibo? B.Why is Jibo cleverer than other robots? C.How is Jibo differen...
How “Star Wars” Influenced Jibo, The First Robot For Families Jibo creator Cynthia Breazeal explains why, despite not having a face, her newest creation is the most "human" robot yet. Learning About Human Connection From A Robotic Friend Meet Nexi. How do you feel about Nexi? Would you ...
For Dr Cynthia Breazeal,it's just about time to celebrate. The robotics researcher and professor was just getting ready to throw a party when The Huffington Post spoke with her yesterday,only hours after she and her team attracted international attention with the first appearance of Jibo,the wor...
Whether in the home or the workplace,social robots are going to become a lot more common in the next few years.Social robots are about to bring technology to the everyday world in a more humanized way,said Cynthia Breazeal,chief scientist at the robot company Jibo.While household robots tod...