come from the Old English wordwealh,meaning "foreigner, stranger, Celt." Its pluralwealasis the direct ancestor ofWales,literally "foreigners, Celts." An Old English adjective derived fromwealh, wæliscorwelisc,is the source of ourWelsh.The Germanic form for the root from whichwealh...
Plaid Cymru meaning, definition, what is Plaid Cymru: a political party in Wales which wants W...: Learn more.
In Welsh, double L (“Ll”) is a letter. Pronounced “Thl”, it’s written as such because English printing presses were unequipped to write the Welsh character ‘ỻ’, so they approximated. Lleviathan might be a simple gag, a basic pun, but it’s also affectionate. This ...
In effect, the idea of "Britain," so forcefully created and imagined in the early part of the century, cracked, and the limited scope of court masques could not bring it back together.;*"Cymru" is the Welsh name for Wales; it is derived from Old Welsh word meaning "land of the ...