Moreover, this study explores a rotating thermo-mechanically loaded cylindrical pressure vessel under the parabolic properties variation proposed in the literature [67]. The governing equation transformed into the linear non-homogeneous differential equation that has been solved analytically. A finite ...
A compressive hoop stress is often introduced intentionally in a high-pressure vessel to increase its resistance against fracture in radial directions. The effect is maximized when the hoop stress at the bore reaches the compressive yield stress. This autofrettage process becomes less effective if the...
A compressive hoop stress is often introduced intentionally in a high-pressure vessel to increase its resistance against fracture in radial directions. The effect is maximized when the hoop stress at the bore reaches the compressive yield stress. This autofrettage process becomes less effective if the...
Analysis of residual stress distribution around circular holes applied internal pressure and free boundary which cross circular holes Based on the linear notch mechanics, it is expected that the size and shape of the resulted plastic zone at notch root due to the excessive loading, is alm... INO...
However, if there is no fluid or the pipe is not internally pressurized, hydrostatic pressure will increase the compressive hoop stress on the pipe which will lead to the failure of the pipeline [35]. Through the years, researchers have conducted numerous types of research to enhance the ...
In this way, estimates of critical hoop stress-crack length combinations can be derived from the vessel radius to wall-thickness ratio, and either the ordinary yield strength, the yield and ultimate strengths, or K c without prior full-scale test experience. Such estimates are shown to be in...
Under such dynamic pressure condition, a vessel will be stable even after the maximum pressure is reached. Instability is predicted to occur when hoop stress resultant reaches its maximum.Toshio NakamuraHitoshi KaguchiShigenobu KuboAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers...
pressure vesselsstress-strain relations/ cylinder lengthfracture stresseshoop strainscyclic loadingstrain distributionfatigue resistanceThe aim of the author's work was to examine the cumulation of tangential plastic strains and their heterogeneity along the length of the cylindrical part of a real ...
37 Axial tension, torsion and biaxial cyclic tests were run at 5 Hz whilst internal pressure cycling was done at 0.5 Hz, a limitation imposed by the testing system. A stress ratio of R = 0.1 was used in all cases. Each tube contained a 4.8 mm diameter circular hole penetrating one wall...
can also give a reasonable prediction for both the temperature field and the residual stress field in stainless steel pipe except for the welding start-finish location. The mechanical stress due to inner pressure in girth welding joint of a layered cylindrical vessel has been investigated by the ...