Stereo vision is used to measure the strain field of a round tension test specimen in a cylindrical coordinate system. Initially, the displacement fields of the specimen are measured relative to a world coordinate system erected by the stereo vision. Through coordinate transformations, the measured ...
Get PDF (663K) Abstract A new method of solving Maxwell's equations is introduced for electromagnetic waves propagating in the steady state along the z axis of a cylindrical coordinate system (r, θ, z) in free space. We solve the wave equation for the electric field E completely for two...
注册 论文 > 毕业论文 > 41 Cylindrical and Polar Coordinates:41圆柱坐标和极坐标 下载文档 收藏 打印 转格式 34阅读文档大小:42.93K5页南京大学文库上传于2014-01-25格式:PDF Polar Coordinates and Graphing - HRSBSTAFF Home Page:极坐标和图形- hrsbstaff主页 ...
扁带拉拔挤压柱坐标应变速率矢量内积 strain rate vector inner-product during strip drawing or extrusion in cylindrical coordinate system 文档格式: .pdf 文档大小: 211.61K 文档页数: 4页 顶/踩数: 0/0 收藏人数: 0 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: ...
流体力学柱面坐标连续性方程推导Derivation continuity equation in cylindrical polar coordinate system
Considering the medium possesses an axis of symmetry which is taken as the z axis of a cylindrical coordinate system (r, φ, z), we use the axisymmetric model in which the fields are independent of φ and z, then the Maxwell equations can be written as follows19: ∂H ∂r +H r ...
This description of points can be extended to other coordinate systems, however, in this paper we are interested in the elliptic cylindrical coordinate system. In the elliptic cylindrical coordinate, the coordinates ( ) ( )u , v, z is used to describe a point in space. These coordinates u ...
In thecylindrical sectionof the nozzle, water flow speed is the constantu1. Then the particle motionEq. (1.25)is simplified to(1.30): (1.30) dupdt=a(u1−up)2 This equation of motion is simple and can be solved directly. In the Euler coordinate,up=dX/dt; therefore,Eq. (1.30)can ...
cylindrical coordinate system (Figure 1) is 5 1 a¢ + -- r ar = 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • (1) let a and b be the outer and inner radii of the annular tank and h be the depth of water, then the following bounda...
As for the proposed cylindrical coil, it is difficult to establish a suitable coordinate system to calculate mutual inductance. Moreover, the RX coils may not all be of the same size. So the magnetic field simulation method is used for coil size design. Further, the height of the coil is...