针对你提出的问题“cygwin make: command not found”,以下是一些解决步骤和验证方法: 1. 确认Cygwin是否已正确安装 首先,请确保你已经正确安装了Cygwin。你可以通过在命令提示符或终端中输入cygcheck来验证Cygwin是否安装成功。如果系统提示找不到该命令,那么可能Cygwin并未正确安装或未添加到系统的PATH环境变量中。 2...
1. Fresh install of cygwin, chose some package, happily using it for like an hour or two 2. found that I need to install some additional package, so I stopped all cygwin process, and went back to setup.exe and did the install of the new package. 3. When I relaunch the cygwin, I ...
1. Fresh install of cygwin, chose some package, happily using it for like an hour or two 2. found that I need to install some additional package, so I stopped all cygwin process, and went back to setup.exe and did the install of the new package. 3. When I relaunch the cygwin, I ...
had an SH entry for Bash Script. If you don't have one, click New and enter "SH" to create one.With the SH extension selected, click Advanced.Choose the "open" action and click edit (or create the action).This is the command to use: "C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe" -li "%1" %*....
With the Cygwin installation file, setup-x86_64.exe, you employed to install the terminal in the package, we can update our existing installation by selecting a package.Follow the following steps, and you can update your existing installation with the make utility tool within your Cygwin ...
ls颜色:Cygwin默认ls的输出是没有颜色的,而Ubuntu等一些主流发行版默认为终端配置了颜色输出,由于Cygwin采用的mintty.exe虚拟终端是支持颜色的,因此可以编辑~/.bashrc文件,追加: [plain] view plaincopy [-x /usr/bin/dircolors ]&&eval"$(dircolors -b)"alias ls='ls --color=auto' ...
使用Cygwin 安装文件 setup-x86_64.exe,您用于在包中安装终端,我们可以通过选择一个包来更新我们现有的安装。 按照以下步骤操作,您可以使用 Cygwin 终端中的 make 实用工具更新现有安装。 转到您的 setup-x86_64.exe 并开始安装,就像您第一次安装 Cygwin 时所做的那样。 如果您碰巧删除了该文件,您可以到 Cygwin...
解决bash: '\r': command not found With dos2unix 当您在终端(或 Cygwin 终端)中时,您可能不想使用文本编辑器进行一些行结束更改。 这就是 dos2unix 与我们的bash: '\r': command not found问题有关的地方。 使用dos2unix,您可以将 DOS (Windows) 或 Mac 格式换行符中的文件 - 纯文本转换为脚本 -...
我在尝试运行xbuild时遇到以下错误: /c/Program Files (x86)/Mono/bin/xbuild: line 2: cygpath: command not found Cannot open assembly 'xbuild.exe': No such file 浏览4提问于2015-05-29得票数 4 1回答 Cygwin -未找到标头 我尝试通过Makefile编译一些东西,得到以下错误: ? 我检查了...