Reply to this topic Start new topic 2 posts in this topic Isaidxdyt Newbie 1 0 iPhone 11 16.0 PostedOctober 23, 2022 they needed me to put the gmail end the password END I DID BUT its showing me this file: http; line 37; what: _assert(code==200) ...
3. file: http-win.cpp; line: 182 解决方法:将「Impactor」里的「Insecure SSL」打勾即可: 4.provision.cpp:29 解决方法:将 Cydia Impactor 文件夹里的「长串数字.key」文件全部删除,或直接删除整个文件夹,重新到「」里下载。 5. installation.cpp:42 原因一:已经达到最大签...
8⃣️友们求帮忙..想要装个软件然后一直报错是line 37,浏览器上查还有常见错误上也找不到,有没有人救一下😭求求了,code==200那个
19. AppSync Unified tweak AppSync Unifiedpatches installd allowing you to install unsigned IPA files on iOS. AppSync can be used to clone installed apps, download fakesigned IPAs, and also to assist in the development of iOS apps using Xcode. Unlike Cydia Impactor there is no 3 app limit ...