Hello Team, I need to add more info to a BOM, which I'm planning to generate with cyclonedx-bom. My idea was to use cyclonedx-python-lib to read in the generated BOM, then merge the additional info my team requires, then write out the enriched BOM. Looks like this idea is already ...
Python (requirements.txt, setup.py, pyproject.toml, poetry.lock) .NET (packages.lock.json, project.assets.json, paket.lock, .nuspec/.nupkg) Go (go.mod) PHP (composer.lock) Ruby (Gemfile.lock) Rust (Cargo.lock) Plugins cdxgen could be extended with external binary plugins to support more...
This is a python tool which uses cycloneDX python lib to generate the Cyclone format SW BOM in JSON or XML. It reads from an easy manual handling csv format input, and makes life easy. - SepCat/CycloneFormatSwBomGen
Is there any update on this issue? After generate a SBoM for a multi module gradle project with java, npm, python and some other stuff i got a SBoM containing all dependencies of the project, but if i upload the SBoM to Dependeny Track we got the following dependency server log message...
To generate SBOM for C or Python, ensure Java >= 21 is installed.# Install java >= 21 cdxgen -t c -o bom.jsonNOTE: cdxgen is known to freeze with Java 8 or 11, so ensure >= 21 is installed and JAVA_HOME environment variable is configured correctly. If in doubt, use the cd...
To generate SBOM for C or Python, ensure Java >= 21 is installed.# Install java >= 21 cdxgen -t c -o bom.jsonNOTE: cdxgen is known to freeze with Java 8 or 11, so ensure >= 21 is installed and JAVA_HOME environment variable is configured correctly. If in doubt, use the cd...