from the Taínohuracánandfuracán—all words for ferocious storms. The wordtyphoonis an alteration of earlier words such as the Arabicṭūfān, meaning “hurricane” or “deluge,” and the Chinesetaaî fung, meaning “great wind.” It may ultimately come from the Greektȳphôn, meaning ...
hurricane对比cyclone 分析词典对比组词对比 【Whirlwind】 , 【cyclone】 , 【typhoon】 , 【hurricane】 , 【tornado】 , 【waterspout】 , 【twister】 share the basic notion of a rotary motion of the wind. 【Whirlwind】 is applied to a small windstorm which begins with an inward and upward spiral...
13, 1994, and crossed the international date line, when it became Typhoon John. Share: Citation Related Links Up Next What's It Like to Experience a Category 5 Hurricane? Explore More Forces of Nature Understand the Difference: Typhoon vs Hurricane Forces of Nature When Is Hurricane ...
cyclone是气旋,是个大类,按地区分有温带气旋、热带气旋、极地气旋等。其中,热带气旋是Tropical Cyclone(TC)。TC中有一部分达到足够风力强度的,称为台风(Typhoon)/飓风(hurricane)。至于说,到底叫台风还是飓风,这取决于强度和地区:在中国以及西北太平洋沿岸国家(日本、韩国、越南、菲律宾等),风...
hurricane, and typhoon. Many people might ask themselves “What is the difference between a cyclone, hurricane, and typhoon?” and with good reason, since these terms sound different at a glance. However, these three storms have a lot more in common than you might expect, and it all comes...
有些书上说cyclone包括其他三个词,是旋风,龙卷风,台风的气象总称,而typhoon指南海上生成的台风,hurricane指北大西洋上产生的侵袭美洲的台(飓)风.又有书上说cyclone指在印度洋上产生的热带台风.请问究竟怎么区别这四个词?最好不要只照搬辞典解释, 相关知识点: ...
1、陆地产生:tornado龙卷风 2、大西洋产生:hurricane飓风 3、太平洋产生:typhoon台风 二、storm暴风雨或...
一開始主播說到 “Ana was a little early as far as the Atlantic hurricane season goes.” 關鍵字是Atlantic(大西洋)! 以下告訴大家,typhoon、hurricane、cyclone 其實是一樣的天氣現象 但是它們發生的地點不一樣,就有著不一樣的名稱 (是不是覺得很奇怪呢~都用一樣名稱不就好了?) ...
Typhoon/Hurricane/Tropical Cyclone 台风/飓风/热带气旋Typhoon and hurricane are terms that refer to strong, spinning storms that develop in particular areas of the world’s oceans. These storms, called in general “tropical cyclones,” are formed over warm water near the equator in one of seven ...