Source: Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System. Retrieved from 5 May 2022. Info icon Zhang, Qiang Q. Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China Citations ...
Twelve months after the cyclone Fani, 300 households were randomly selected and an adult survivor from each household responded to the questionnaire from one location each of Puri and Balasore districts in Odisha (India). Standard inventories assessed survivors’ self-efficacy, hope, cognitive ...
The present paper involves a study on quality of groundwater as well as possible sources of its contamination due to the devastating cyclone in Orissa in October, 1999 along the eastern fringe of India. The paper throws light on the probable remedial steps to be taken to revive a healthy ...
Assessing the urban sustainability of the slum settlements in the hill resorts of India: a case study of Darjeeling town The urban population of India is expected to reach 416 million by 2050. As more and more people shift from rural to urban areas, the urban centers will be ... B Chhe...
Monitoring of Coastal Geo-Environment for Hazard Mitigation: A Case Study of Machilipatnam Region, Andhra Pradesh, India The coastal zone is highly dynamic, which responds in various ways to human interventions and extreme weather events. Tropical storms cause enormous damage... MRR Murty,CR Kumar,...
引文指标发文量引文指标发文量2014年2015年2016年2017年2018年2019年2020年2021年2022年2023年01020304000.发文统计 2023-2024国家/地区发文量统计: 国家/地区 数量 CHINA MAINLAND 27 USA 22 Australia 18 Japan 15 South Korea 11 England 7 India 7 France 5 GERMANY (FED REP GER) 2 Malaysia 2 ...
The posterior density distribution of model parameters on either side of the zero line provides an indication of the level of contribution of each variable that affects TC numbers in a particular basin. In our case, we have calculated the 95% credible interval (equivalent to the 95% confidence...
(2012) reported poleward propagation of CTWs over the west coast of India, in period bands of 20–40, 10–14, and 3–5 days on the shelf and 4-days period on the slope. Wang et al. (2012) studied the induced inertial and sub-inertial oscillations by Cyclone Gonu over the western ...
Ray-Bennett NS (2009) Coping with multiple disasters and diminishing livelihood resources caste, class, and gender perspectives: the case from Orissa, India. Reg Dev Dialogue 30(1):108–120 Google Scholar Richards P (1986) Coping with hunger. Heinemann, London Google Scholar Rocheleau DE, St...
Advanced Machine Learning with R; Packt: Birmingham, UK; Mumbai, India, 2019; 649p. [Google Scholar] Hengl, T.; Nussbaum, M.; Wright, M.N.; Heuvelink, G.B.M.; Gräler, B. Random forest as a generic framework for predictive modeling of spatial and spatio-temporal variables. PeerJ...