Here, we use a much longer (ca. 6000-year) chronology of intense paleo-cyclones and, for the first time, blend this information with a catastrophe loss model to reassess tropical cyclone wind risk in Northeast Australia. Results suggests that the past several decades have been abnormally ...
There's a cyclone forming up in the Admiralties, should swing down this way in a few days."" Na Admiralitetskom se otočju stvara ciklona, i za nekoliko bi dana mogla skrenuti ovamo."" Literature (6) To be used for hazardous phenomena other than volcanic ash cloud and trop...
A cyclone is a huge strong wind system that blows around the centre of an intense low-pressure area.Cyclonesare the local name of the Indian Ocean and the South Pacific Ocean. But in the Northwest Pacific Ocean, they are known astyphoonsand in the Northeast Pacific Ocean and North Atlantic,...
In the Northern Hemisphere, both the western and eastern North Pacific basins exhibit statistically significant downward trends in the number of TCs since the 1850s (Fig.2d,eand Supplementary Fig.1) with ~9% and ~18% fewer TCs forming, respectively, during the twentieth century compared with t...
Check access to the full text by signing in through your organization. Access through your organization Section snippets Geologic, geomorphic and climatic setting Cowley Beach (Fig. 1) is a 7.5 km long, arcuate shaped sand beach backed by a beach ridge plain forming an inner and outer barri...
We are currently in a La Niña phase, which is conducive to tropical cyclones forming in and around the Coral Sea near Vanuatu and New Caledonia. This is a breeding ground for many of the cyclones that have impacted Aotearoa New Zealand historically. ...
Of the eight named cyclones forming in September, six were of non-tropical origin. Only Hurricanes Isidore and Lili, plus the non-developing depression, formed in the tropics from African waves. Tropical Storm Edouard formed during the first week of the month off the northeastern Florida coast,...
14) due to the northward incursion of Australia. Though TCs have been examined in only a few other deep-time simulations, our results show some qualitative similarities with other models. For example, GPI is lower in the western North Pacific during the Late Pliocene relative to present-day ...
Wasimi, Saleh A.Springer NetherlandsNatural HazardsK. K. Saha and S. A. Wasimi. "An index to assess the propensity of landfall in Australia of a tropical cyclone." In: Natural Hazards 72.2 (2014), pp. 1111-1121. : 10.1007/s11069-014-1058-y....
Cyclones used for de-sliming duties are usually very small in diameter, and a large number may be required if substantial flowrates must be handled. The de-sliming plant at the Mr. Keith Nickel concentrator in Western Australia has 4,000 such cyclones. The practical problems of distributing ...