anticyclone anti-cyclone anticyclonic Anticyclonic storm antidandruff anti-dandruff antidazzle antidazzle mirror antidefamation antideficiency violations antidemocratic antidepressant antidepressant drug antidepressants antidepression antiderivative antidesiccant
What is an anticyclone? What is a tornado diagram? What is unstable air in meteorology? What is a typhoon? What is a front in meteorology? What are the Westerlies? What is a cold air funnel cloud? What is ELR in meteorology? What is a storm surge? What is tropical meteorology? What ...
1.A system of winds that spiral in toward a region of low atmospheric pressure, circling counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. Compareanticyclone. 2.A violent rotating windstorm, such as a hurricane or tornado. ...
What is anticyclone in meteorology? What is an EF0 tornado? What are the characteristics of a whirlwind? What is the energy source for an extratropical cyclone? What is the difference between a hurricane and a tornado? What is an anticyclone? What are hurricane force winds? What is the stru...
At the intraseasonal scale, the time-longitude diagram of 5-day running mean filtered daily 850 hPa zonal wind and OLR anomalies averaged from 10°S-10°N in JJA 2018 indicate enhanced anomalous westerlies and anomalous deep tropical convection throughout the WNP (Supplementary Fig. 3a,b). The...
In both regions, moisture flux convergence, supported by the continental low-level jet transporting moisture from tropical to subtropical latitudes and by northerly winds on the western flank of the South Atlantic Subtropical Anticyclone, provides a significant thermodynamic contribution to cyclogenesis. In...
The tropical cyclone was initially moving east-southeastward south of the mid-latitude westerly wind belt and northeast of an anticyclone over Florida. TD Three was located in a zone of unfavourable northerly shearing conditions which it endured throughout its lifetime. The shear pushed the ...
1.A system of winds that spiral in toward a region of low atmospheric pressure, circling counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. Compareanticyclone. 2.A violent rotating windstorm, such as a hurricane or tornado. ...
What is anticyclone in meteorology? What is a gutter waterspout? What is a tornado watch? What is a tornado diagram? What does rhyolite look like? What is inside a tornado? What is a multiple-vortex tornado? What are hurricane force winds?