The cell cycle is controlled by cyclin-dependent kinases, which bind to positive regulators called cyclins. In particular, Arabidopsis B-type cyclin controls cell cycle progression by regulating gene expression late in the G2 and M phases. Expression of cyclin Ds have been shown to increase in ...
2.2 肺发育评价 与对照组相比,模型RAC值3d开始降低,7d、14d及21d差异有统计学意义 (7.5±1.15比5.5±1.17;8.8±1.22比5.0±1.25;9.5±1.23比4.6±1.20;P<0.01)(图2a)。模型组1d 、3d的肺泡间隔厚度无明显统计学差异 (5.4±0.51比5.3±0.48;5.38±0.85比5.33±0.83;P>0.05),肺泡间隔厚度从7d开始升高(5.2±1...
2a). This verified the existence of a KEN box in cyclin A2 and is in agreement with previous findings that the KEN box is important for substrate recognition by APC/CCdh1 (ref. 5). On the other hand, individual mutation of the KEN box (ΔK), the D1 box (ΔD1) and the ABBA ...
此外,caspase-3的激活会切割对细胞生存和维持至关重要的调控蛋白,并切割poly (ADP-核糖)聚合酶(PARP), PARP参与DNA修复和细胞程序性死亡。使用膜联蛋白V/PI染色法和流式细胞术分析来确认与未经处理的细胞相比,灵芝提取物诱导GBM8901...
四环素(Tetracyclin)是从Streptomyces aureofa-ciens中分离出来的广谱抗生素,对革兰阳性菌、革兰阴性菌、螺旋体等都有抑制作用,对结核杆菌、变形菌等无抗菌作用,CAS号为60-54-8,分子量为444.44。其作用原理在于是与核蛋白体的30S亚单位结合,阻断氨酰基tRNA与核糖体结合,从而抑制蛋白质的合成。 临床上,四环素可以用于...
黑色素瘤中cyclin D1蛋白高于良性色素痣;cyclin D1分布模式在良恶性病变中存在差异,表现为在色素痣中cyclin D1阳性细胞主要位于真表皮交界处或者病变表浅部,随病变向真皮深处延伸表达下降,而在黑色素瘤中,cyclin D1阳性细胞在整个病变内呈弥漫散在分布,无随病变深度下降的...
产品名称:Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A, isoforms 1/2/3 ELISA Kit 检测范围:1.56-100 ng/mL 保存条件:2-8℃低温保存 保质期:6个月,所有试剂盒均提供批次。 试剂盒成分:酶标板,试剂,标准品等。 标本要求 1.标本采集后尽早进行提取,提取按相关文献进行,提取后应尽快进行实验。若不能马上进行试验,可...
2a,b). Immunofluorescence analysis of annexin V, another marker of apoptosis revealed that the proportion of annexin V-positive cells was also larger among PDZRN3-depleted cells compared with control cells after serum deprivation (Fig. 2c). The release of cytochrome c from mitochondria into the...
2A, two of the mutant proteins resisted Thr-592 phosphorylation. One mutant carried an alanine substitution for the last positively charged residue in the consensus TPX(K/R) cyclin-dependent kinase/MAPK target sequence (K595A in Q594A/K595A/K596A). The other was mutated in the di-...
上述调控过程中MPF的活性和周期蛋白的浓度变化如图2所示。下列有关叙述错误的是社MPF的活性周期蛋白的浓度2A.周期蛋白发挥作用的时间主要是分裂间期B.活化的CDK,可能会促进染色质浓缩、核膜解体C.控制CDK抑制因子合成的基因可能属于原癌基因D.蛋白激酶CDK可能参与解旋酶和DNA聚合酶合成的调控 ...