In solving these problems, it is necessary, and most of the time, essential, to have tools that may help system designers to create a cyclic scheduler automatically. In this paper, a tool having this function, and named CICLIC is described. The design mechanism is based on algorithms of ...
Multi-tasking and the real-time operating system Tim Wilmshurst, in Designing Embedded Systems with PIC Microcontrollers (Second Edition), 2010 18.4 Scheduling and the scheduler A central part of the RTOS is the ‘scheduler’. This determines which task is allowed to run at any particular moment...
Accuracy improvement of dataflow anal- ysis for cyclic stream processing applications scheduled by static priority preemptive schedulers. In Euromicro Conf. on Digital System Design Architectures, Methods and Tools (DSD). IEEE, 2014... PS Wilmanns,JPHM Hausmans,SJ Geuns,... - 《IEEE Computer...
Data collecting systemTime division multiple accessCyclic scheduleDistance constrained task setMany wireless sensor networks applications, e.g., structural health monitoring (SHM), require the sensors to construct a multihop network to collect the environmental data in real-time. These sensors generally ...
Synchronization,BatchJobScheduler, HTTP/SSH Tunnel Connection, Backup and more. 除了一般的資料庫管理功能,如編輯或設計資料表、資料寫入、資料庫轉儲、及建立或編輯使用者,其他有用的功 能包括:匯入/匯出精靈、報表建立工具、查詢建立工具、自動完成程式碼、資料/結構同步、批次作業排程、HT...
bus interfaces632A-632H of processor units of near processing nodes. As shown, multiplexer628can be further coupled to a central arbitrator634that controls multiplexer628. As illustrated, link deskew buffer620can be coupled to a dynamic rate throttle636that can be included in a snoop scheduler638...
The execution engine unit 1050 includes the rename/allocator unit 1052 coupled to a retirement unit 1054 and a set of one or more scheduler unit(s) 1056. The scheduler unit(s) 1056 represents any number of different schedulers, including reservations stations, central instruction window, etc. ...
Furthermore, it estimates the duration of the operations in the system based on the actual state, and communicates that with the scheduler. In an iterative procedure the optimal and feasible schedule can be computed. In a case study the railway traffic on a single track is considered, showing...
A simple algorithm is presented for the problem of allocating staff in order to meet demand over a repeating seven-day cycle. The formulation assumes that full-time employees are entitled to two consecutive days off and that the objective is to meet demand for staff with a minimum use of par...
In this work, we prove the functional correctness of an abstract model for the C implementation of the cyclic linked list in the real-time micro-kernel FreeRTOS, which is used in the FreeRTOS scheduler, its correctness being of critical importance for the real-time properties of FreeRTOS. ...