It's not just cycling. The two sides of the town / gown divide have different priorities in other ways too. For instance, take the shops in Cambridge. The city has high retail rents. As a result, shops which sell low cost goods are relatively few and far between. Campaigns have been ...
Many second hand bicycle sales are made by bicycle shops which take trade-ins of people's older bikes when they buy a new bicycle. Sales to third and later users are largely private. The value of a bicycle drops as it ages and each time it is sold to a new owner a bicycle typically...
economy experienced both a considerable negative productivity shock (as many workers could not operate their factories and shops) and a large uncertainty shock (as it was extremely difficult to forecast how long this situation would last). See Dingel and Neiman (2020) and Brinca et al. (2020)...
Woodhead publishing, Cambridge Google Scholar Muthu SS (2015) Handbook of life cycle assessment (LCA) of textiles and clothing, 1st edn. Woodhead publishing, Cambridge Google Scholar NEXT PLC (2015) Results for the year ending January 2015. NEXT, UK
Cyclists disappearing into the mist in a park in Cambridge Cambridge in the UK is sometimes held up as an example for other cities to ... The "Copenhagen Left" and merging of cyclists with cars turning right: Dangerous and inconvenient junction design in Denmark. I've mentioned before that ...
The Truth about Cambridge - Cambridge in the UK has made claims of being a true cycling city. The city does have the highest cycling rate in the English speaking world, but there are special reasons for its high cycling rate which cannot be copied elsewhere. Most people don't talk about ...
Next day update: Thedoor zoneroute along the sea front issupposedlya "hybrid" path. This is a low quality design of cycle-path which exists in the UK only asthe result of a misunderstanding in 2008 by Cambridge Cycling Campaign members. How on earth did Southend pick this up as a good...
Cambridge, like most cities, had a problem with car traffic in the city centre. They "solved" this by banning not only cars but also bicycles from some central streets. The bicycle ban was the reason why many of us who took part in protest cycle rides around that time. It was also th...
Labels:assen,assen_goodexamples,assen_ns,bicycle shops,cycle parking,integrated transport,railwaystations Groningen Railway Station cycle parking revisited again It's sometimes difficult to keep up with progress on cycle parking. I've covered the parking at Groningen's main railway station twice before...
- Cambridge in the UK has made claims of being a true cycling city. The city does have the highest cycling rate in the English speaking world, but there are special reasons for its high cycling rate which cannot be copied elsewhere. Most people don't talk about this. I do. ...