A baseball term that represents the impressive feat of hitting asingle,double,triple, and home run all in one game; often appears as "hit for the cycle," which means that a player hit a single, double, triple, and home run; usually occurs fewer than ten times during a whole baseball ...
noun Baseball The achievement of hitting a single, double, triple, and home run in a single game. intransitive verb To occur in or pass through a cycle. intransitive verb To move in or as if in a cycle. intransitive verb To ride a bicycle, motorcycle, or similar vehicle. intransitive ver...
The meaning of CYCLE is an interval of time during which a sequence of a recurring succession of events or phenomena is completed. How to use cycle in a sentence.
Origin of cycle1 First recorded in 1350–1400; Middle English cicle, from Late Latin cyclus, from Greek kýklos “cycle, circle, wheel, ring, disk, orb”; wheel Discover More Idioms and Phrases Idioms hit for the cycle, Baseball. (of one player) to hit a single, double, triple, and...
The meaning of CYCLE is an interval of time during which a sequence of a recurring succession of events or phenomena is completed. How to use cycle in a sentence.
Idioms, Sporthit for the cycle,[Baseball.](of one player) to hit a single, double, triple, and home run in one game. v.i. to ride or travel by bicycle, motorcycle, tricycle, etc. to move or revolve in cycles; pass through cycles. ...
I cycled alongside the river so dipped my shirt in there which really helps to stay cool, I also dipped my patent pending Hells Canyon hat. The hat is essentially a hand towel I borrowed from a hotel which I tuck into the back of an Adidas baseball cap that I lawfully own. Combined ...
s CMWCs. Lausanne and Mexico City were the main contenders. The team from Lausanne distributed free beer tokens to be redeemed in 2013. They won the bid. The whole thing felt a bit like that scene inThe Warriorswhen the gangs of New York assemble in an abandoned baseball pit to ...
I found that beyond Rackham’s extraordinary illustrations,it was the great themes and vast scale in both time and space,the depth of meaning on many levels.and even the hidden esotericism of Wagner’s Ring Cycle that adapted themselves so well to Tarot.The complete Ring,in both text and es...
I found that beyond Rackham’s extraordinary illustrations,it was the great themes and vast scale in both time and space,the depth of meaning on many levels.and even the hidden esotericism of Wagner’s Ring Cycle that adapted themselves so well to Tarot.The complete Ring,in both text and es...