A game (A,O) is finitary if every play is already won after a finite number of steps, i.e., for every π∈plays(A) there exists Kπ∈N such that, if Player σ wins the play π, then Player σ also wins every play of A starting with the prefix π[1,Kπ]. Clearly FCGs are...
or the use of telecommunication services to commit other forms of fraud (definition adopted from itlaw.wikia.com). An important example concerns cloning fraud (i.e. the cloning of a phone number and the related call credit by a fraudster), which is an instance of superimposition fraud in ...
For 1≤i<n, if 0̸≠{|X|}⊆Hi and R=⋃j=i+1nHj then σ(X,R)=X′ where X′ is the maximal proper prefix of X. From the definition of i-successors and the ordering of the strongly connected components if (X0,R0),…(Xn,Rn) is an i-LIFO-search on G where {|Xn|}...