” Jackson says. One reason his character has been off in space, ignoring calls for help, is he doesn’t believe he can fix things anymore. “He’s up there trying to process what the fuck happened, you know? And what his place in the world is,” Jackson says. “The death of Iron...
i have stame games i haven't played in years so i can wait till feb for a few more fixes on this. Probably worth waiting right now - there still is a lot to fix. You're not far off, either. I think they've actually given up calling the game an RPG. It's more like a ...
ARASAKA CORPORATION The Arasaka Corporation is the longest-operating megacorp in the world. Its origins date back to the mid-20th century when a young Saburo Arasaka inherited his father's nascent company, transforming it into a global leader in security. Today, the Arasaka Corporation is know...
Wait! I didnt do it! 感觉怎么样? So what do you think? ?很爽,对吧? A prim high, wasnt it? ?与其体验他人的死亡? 不如让你经历自己的死 Experiencing your own death instead of the others. 你hearts;他hearts;妈hearts;的逗我呢? Are you shitting me?! ?爽什么? Prim high? 你就他妈的...
I keep seeing it more and more as part of a hate filled statement whenever I see it. The game isn’t even out yet. Let’s stop passing judgement till it’s out. I don’t even see the comparison to GTA at all. Riiiight. There is no hate, some people simply point it's going ...
testers. On top of that, they also burnt out their developers with crunch time and will likely continue to do so for the next year or so till the game is actually finished. All of this just so they could meet their holiday launch target and also the new console and PC hardware launch...
That tutorial part. They try to teach you about environmental damage. And you can keep cooking yourself in fire till end of the times. Sad, but places where you can't die exist in that game. Quite contrary to this, game starts with some kind of standoff. You enter place ...
You're also free to embarrass yourself in failing to do so. What's embarrassing is falling for the hype and paying full price for this shit, instead of waiting till its fixed and on discounted price. But that's on me. Anyway i'm done here, move on. l...