Required Gender:Judy is female. She can only be romanced when playing as a Female character with a female body type and female voice (Lesbian relationship). Guide:How to Romance Judy Alvarez (All Dialogue Choices) River Ward Required Gender:River Ward is male. He can only be romanced when...
Side note: If you play a male (which doesn’t work for the Romance), you can try to compliment Judy that she is looking fine in her wetsuit. She will be repulsed by this coming from a man. Also when she stops underwater before declining to the sunken village, you can swim behind ...
Your V must have a feminine body type and voice to romance Judy. Judy Alvarez is a character you'll meet while on the questline to pull off a heist at Arasaka Tower. She's one of Evelyn Parker's friends and an expert braindance technician. She may be a little difficult to get along...
Doing so will initiate the romance story path (see Romancing Judy). If V stays the night but is male or chooses not to kiss Judy during Pyramid Song: Judy leaves the bathroom and immediately goes to bed. She will have coffee by the lake with V in the morning to explain that she ...
The one thing that's really getting on my nerves, is the Panam character. How the game desperately tries to push you into the romance (i don't like her), and take note that hers is the only available romance for male characters - unless you're up for sucking sausage. Her missions ar...
Romance is quite a fun thing to enjoy in Cyberpunk 2077. If you have your eyes on Judy Alvarez, here is what you can do to date her.
For all other Romances see the completeCyberpunk 2077 Romance Guide (All Romances). Important: Panam can only be romanced when playing as a male Character (this Romance is unavailable for Females)! To put it simply: Always pick the dialogues in support of her (always say Panam is right, ...
8ug8ear becomes a romanceable character.Receive messages, follow her quest, visit her apartment, and become intimate (depending on your choices)... 148.2MB 1.7k 116k Cat Replacers for Nibbles Characters Uploaded:24 Jul 2022 Last Update:24 Jul 2022 ...
While in the bathroom, choose“[Sit] We’re still synced” > “[Touch] It is ours” to Kiss her –> this results in Judy’s sex scene!Remember this only works if you’re playing a female (Female Body Type + Female Voice). You cannot romance her as a man. If you’re male she...
boolis_river_or_judy_romanceable() {return!is_body_gender_male() && !is_brain_gender_male(); }boolis_kerry_or_panam_romanceable() {returnis_body_gender_male() &&is_brain_gender_male(); } They are used to set certain _romanceable facts everygame load, like so: ...