Required Gender:Judy is female. She can only be romanced when playing as a Female character with a female body type and female voice (Lesbian relationship). Guide:How to Romance Judy Alvarez (All Dialogue Choices) River Ward Required Gender:River Ward is male. He can only be romanced when...
This guide shows how to romance Judy Alvarez in Cyberpunk 2077 (CP77) and start a relationship with her. Judy is a girl you meet during the story. She will appear in several main quests and then have to do her 5 Side Quests afterward. She can be romanced and seduced during her final...
Judy Álvarez is a skilled braindance techie and a member of the Mox. She has her own apartment in northeastern Kabuki, Watson. Judy is a possible romance option for V in Cyberpunk 2077. Judy was born on November 27, 2052[4][5], in Laguna Bend, a small
Your V must have a feminine body type and voice to romance Judy. Judy Alvarez is a character you'll meet while on the questline to pull off a heist at Arasaka Tower. She's one of Evelyn Parker's friends and an expert braindance technician. She may be a little difficult to get along...
Find Judy Sit beside Judy This is Judy’s 5th & final Side Job and the quest that leads toJudy’s Romance(can only be romanced with female body type & female voice). The choices for her romance are marked red in this guide, also be sure you followed the walkthroughs for her previou...
boolis_river_or_judy_romanceable() {return!is_body_gender_male() && !is_brain_gender_male(); }boolis_kerry_or_panam_romanceable() {returnis_body_gender_male() &&is_brain_gender_male(); } They are used to set certain _romanceable facts everygame load, like so: ...
If you don’t have the chip, then during the Dialogue with the Maelstroms you can choose to pay them €$10,000. This leads to a peaceful outcome. Gilchrist prevails over Stout > voids the Meredith Stout romance (worst outcome and you lose a lot of money) ...
Maybe I'll like the game enough this time with 1.5 enough to finally finish it for the first time (couldn't bother with it before, stopped at the Judy romance part after we sleep with her, never touched the game after that). One thing though, I do notice (so far anyway, just ...
and romance is perhaps the most interesting one out of all. The game enables players to romantically engage with a lot of characters, regardless of their sexual orientation. Judy Alvarez is one of the hottest dwellers