(cet 1.29.1)folder 32.9MB You are downloading an archived version of this mod which is no longer supported by the mod author. Please do not report issues encountered while playing with this version as they may already be fixed in the latest release. Choose from the options below Choose ...
Performance boost, bug fixes and hacks for fun for Cyberpunk 2077 - GitHub - ktdd/CyberEngineTweaks: Performance boost, bug fixes and hacks for fun for Cyberpunk 2077
在Cyber Engine Tweaks里设置热键 按设置的热键打开界面 选择想修改的选项 按Save按钮保存 按Default按钮...
CyberEngin..目前CyberEngineTweaks不支持中文显示,界面就做成英文的了。按Shift + Ctrl + C 打开界面。 点Scan按钮搜索你安装的mod (如果你的游戏显示模式是全屏模式的话会跳到桌
《赛博朋克2077》(已支持中文) Cyber Engine Tweaks 控制台 内置 MOD管理器 2024-03-07 19:02:35 《赛博朋克2077》赛博朋克2077 Mod前置包 2024-01-30 12:40:42 《赛博朋克2077》2.1 义体槽增加 Cyberware-Ex 2023-12-29 23:11:12 《赛博朋克2077》Autoloot! - 自动拾取战利品 ...
1. 首先安装最新版Cyber Engine Tweaks 2. 其次安装最新版Red4EXT 3. 解压后把bin文件夹放到游戏安装...
介绍:修复了重新启动游戏后语言设置不会保存的问题的补丁程序。安装 1. 安装最新版Cyber Engine Tweaks ...
Cyber Engine Tweaks Every Cyberpunk 2077 player knows the bugs that haunted Cyberpunk 2077 at launch. Of course, CD Projekt RED has patched a lot of these and made the game much smooth over the years, but there are still some minor inconveniences here and there. ...