City-of-Fallen-Angels-SourcebookDownload Posted onJuly 24, 2024 The Ravengers & Holo Men: Revisiting Stephen Billias’ Cyberpunk 2020 novels nearly 30 years later To say that I am obsessed with Cyberpunk would be an understatement. Since my first play through of 2077, I have been ravenously...
the franchise’s original tabletop RPG product first published in 1988. A second edition was released in 1990, titledCyberpunk 2020, along with a detailed sourcebook calledNight City. Today, it’s also the setting forCyberpunk
截至2018年,赛博朋克2020的盒装版本已经绝版,极其罕见的会在拍卖网站上出现,而且售价往往都是天价。而在2013年赛博朋克2077电子游戏续作的公布后,R.Talsorian Games又开始了第四次印刷。在2018年赛博朋克2077在E3游戏展的曝光后,赛博朋克2020规则书的需求量和受欢迎程度急剧飙升,因此计划在2018年多次印刷赛博朋克2020规...